Sep 30, 2010, 2:47:17 PM (14 years ago)

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

1 edited


  • trunk/examples/extended/eventgenerator/exgps/History

    r807 r1337  
    1212     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1313     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1503/06/2010 - J.Perl (exgps-V09-03-01)
     16- Updated vis usage
     1812/05/2010 J.Allison (exgps-V09-03-00)
     19- Introduced GUIExecutive.
     2108/12/2008 G.Barrand
     22- correct / compleete the part concerning AIDA in the README file.
     2406/12/2008 F.Lei (exgps-V09-01-02)
     25- updated g4mac files in ./macros
     2705/12/2008 G.Barrand
     28- exGPSAnalysisManager : have a comment in case the
     29  AIDA_createAnalysisFactory or the AIDA::ITree creation
     30  fails ; which is something that may happen.
     31- exGPSAnalysisManager : have the creation of the AIDA::IPlotter
     32  on the same footing than other AIDA objects. Remove then
     33  the createPlotter method.
     34- exGPSAnalysisManager : have t,hFactories local in BeginOfRun
     35  and then rm getHistogram,getTupleFactories.
     3704/12/2008 F.Lei (exgps-V09-01-01)
     38- updated README
     39- tag Guy's changes
     4104/12/2008 G.Barrand
     42- exGPSAnalysisManager.hh : have the destructor private.
     43- exGPS.cc : then use the exGPSAnalysisManager::dispose() method.
     44- exGPS.cc : rm the aMgr which is no more used.
     45- exGPSAnalysisManager::createPlotter : rm the "Plotter" string
     46  and then ask to the AIDA implementation the default plotter.
     47- exGPSAnalysisManager::EndOfRun : reset the variable after the deletions.
     48- exGPS.cc and exGPSEventAction : use #ifdef G4VIS_USE in case
     49  somone want to build without the G4 vis system.
     50- exGPSAnalysisManager.cc : revisit : createPlotter : delete
     51  of plotterFactory and plotter where lacking. (Seen with the
     52  OpenScientist object decount).
     53- exGPSRunAction : #ifdef G4VIS_USE.
     5502/12/2008 F.Lei (exgps-V09-01-00)
     56- updated exGPSAnalysisManager class to improve the AIDA output
     57- removed AIDA setup from GNUmakefile (use G4 default one)
     58- removed the ROOT file option
     6021/12/2006 F.Lei (exgps-V08-02-00)
     61-  Added the option for output results in .root file
     62-  Changed particle_name to PDGcode in the ntuple
    146419/07/2005 F.Lei (exgps-V07-01-00)
    1565-  Changing in GNUmakefile
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