Nov 5, 2010, 3:45:55 PM (14 years ago)

update ti head

1 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy/History

    r1337 r1340  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.442 2010/06/15 08:04:11 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.462 2010/11/04 14:52:17 sincerti Exp $
    1717     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1818     ----------------------------------------------------------
     2004.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-54
     21            - removed warnings in Rudd ionization classes (SI)
     22            - G4IonParametrisedLossModel - (VI) moved few virtual methods from
     23            inline to source, minor cleanup of initialisation 
     2503.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-53
     26            restricted momentum conservation to electrons
     27            in G4DNA ionisation
     2903.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-52
     30            new preliminary Geant4-DNA ionisation class for ions by Z. Francis
     31            to be used with G4LEDATA 6.18
     3317.10.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-51
     34            extended low energy coverage of G4DNA electron models
     35            to be used with G4LEDATA 6.17
     3714.10.2010, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-03-50
     38            G4GeneratorBS - optimise computations to speedup, fixed comments
     39            G4GeneratorBN - fixed comments
     40            G4VBremAngularDistribution - moved to utils
     41            G4ModifiedTsai - moved to standard
     4313.10.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-49
     44            Update G4LivermoreIonisationModel to produce fluorescence AlongStep
     45            only if above the production cuts. Stricter check for energy
     46            conservation
     4808.10.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-48
     49            Added new excitation model for H
     5115.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-47
     52            Added protection in xs file opening for G4DNA Sanche excitation
     5415.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-46
     55            Corrected data file names in G4DNA Melton and Sanche       
     5708.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-45
     58            Updated high energy limits of G4DNAExcitation and G4DNAIonisation
     6008.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-44
     61            Set high energy limit of G4DNAScreenedRutherfordModel to 1 MeV
     6308.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-43
     64            Added new G4DNA processes and models for vib. exc & attachment
     65            Provided by Z. Francis et al. - Appl. Rad. Isot. (2010)
     66            http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2010.08.011
     67            to be used with G4LEDATA 6.16
     6908.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-42
     70            Decreased low energy limit of G4DNAScreenedRutherfordModel
     7205.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-41
     73            Bugzilla 1120
     74            Modified G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila.cc
     75            as proposed by J. Goldberg
     7725.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-40
     78            - updated & extended Rudd and Miller & Green models
     79            - to be used with G4LEDATA 6.15
     8125.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-39
     82            -Adapted all high energy limits of G4DNA electron models
     8424.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-38
     85            -Changed low energy limit of G4DNA elastic scattering models for e-
     86            -Switched default excitation model for e- to Born
     87            -to be used with G4LEDATA 6.14
     8928.07.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-37
     90            First full version of G4Penelope08IonisationModel, model for e+/e-
     91            ionisation according to Penelope v2008. Still beta version.
     9326.07.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-36
     94            Added class G4PenelopeCrossSection to store/handle cross sections
     95            (and higher momenta, like stopping powers) for the updated
     96            Penelope08 e+/e- models (ionisation and bremsstrahlung).
    209815.06.2010, G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-03-35
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