Dec 22, 2010, 3:52:27 PM (14 years ago)

geant4 tag 9.4

1 edited


  • trunk/source/geometry/solids/specific/History

    r1337 r1347  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.171 2010/06/16 08:46:50 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.186 2010/11/26 13:36:35 gcosmo Exp $
    1717     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1818     ----------------------------------------------------------
     2026-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-20)
     21- Fixes in G4GenericTrap reported by SBT unit test in SurfaceNormal(),
     22  DistanceToPlane() and VisExtent().
     2416-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-19)
     25- G4EllipticalCone: fixes in DistanceToIn(p,v) and DistanceToOut(p,v) for
     26  correct handling of point on the surface.
     27  Corrected formula for SurfaceNormal(p).
     2910-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-18)
     30- Added checks on crossing of vertices and too big twisted angle in
     31  G4GenericTrap.
     32- Fixed case of division by zero in G4TwistedTubs.
     33- Added unit test for G4Polyhedra.
     3502-Nov-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-17)
     36- More fixes on Coverity reports for G4TessellatedSolid and G4ReduciblePolygon.
     3820-Oct-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-16)
     39- Implemented Clone() virtual method for all solids, returning a pointer
     40  to a dynamically allocated copy of the solid. To be used by Geant4-MT.
     4223-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-15)
     43- Initialize fpPolyhedron to zero in copy-ctor and operator=().
     44- Completed implementation of copy-ctor and operator=() for facets.
     4620-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-14)
     47- Implemented copy-constructor and assignment operator for all solids
     48  to facilitate conversion to Geant4-MT.
     5008-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-13)
     51- Correction to previous fix in G4ReduciblePolygon to avoid deleting current
     52  'vertexHead' pointer.
     5407-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-12)
     55- Fix within G4CSGDEBUG code for restoring cout precision.
     56- Fix in G4ReduciblePolygon::RemoveRedundantVertices() to avoid potential
     57  case of dereferencing freed pointer.
     5919-Aug-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-11)
     60- G4EllipticalTube: extended implementation of SurfaceNormal(p) in agreement
     61  with canonical form. Added unit test testG4EllipticalTube.cc.
     6316-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-10)
     64- Fixed cases of division by zero in G4VTwistSurface and G4TwistBoxSide.
     65- Use INT_MAX as initialisation for max limits in G4SolidExtentList.
     6712-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-09)
     68- Added dummy initialization to members in struct
     69  G4PolyPhiFace::G4PolyPhiFaceEdge, struct G4ReduciblePolygon::ABVertex.
     70  G4Ellipsoid, G4EllipticalTube, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4ExtrudedSolid, G4Hype,
     71  G4IntersectingCone, G4Paraboloid, G4PolyPhiFace, G4Polycone, G4PolyconeSide,
     72  G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraSide, G4QuadrangularFacet, G4ReduciblePolygon,
     73  G4TessellatedSolid, G4TriangularFacet, G4TwistBoxSide, G4TwistTrapAlphaSide,
     74  G4TwistTrapFlatSide, G4TwistTrapParallelSide, G4TwistTubsFlatSide,
     75  G4TwistTubsHypeSide, G4TwistTubsSide, G4TwistedTubs, G4VCSGfaceted, G4VFacet,
     76  G4VTwistSurface, G4VTwistedFaceted.
     77- Fixed case of dereferencing null pointer in methods
     78  G4EllipticalTube::DistanceToOut(p,v), G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToIn(p,v)
     79  and G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToOut(p,v).
     80- Fixed unecessary object copy as argument in method
     81  G4PolyhedraSide::IntersectSidePlane().
     82- Avoid possible case of derefencing null pointer in G4ReduciblePolygon
     83  RemoveDuplicateVertices() and RemoveRedundantVertices() methods.
     84- Replaced calls to std::abs() with std::fabs() where suitable.
    208616-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-08)
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