Dec 22, 2010, 3:52:27 PM (14 years ago)

geant4 tag 9.4

1 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4InclCascadeInterface.cc

    r1340 r1347  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.12 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.15 2010/11/17 20:19:09 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3535#include "G4InclCascadeInterface.hh"
     36#include "G4FermiBreakUp.hh"
    3637#include "math.h"
    3738#include "G4GenericIon.hh"
    3839#include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h"
    40 G4InclCascadeInterface::G4InclCascadeInterface()
     41G4InclCascadeInterface::G4InclCascadeInterface(const G4String& nam)
     42  :G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel(nam)
    4244  hazard = new G4Hazard();
    4648  varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    47   inclInput = 0;
     49  calincl = 0;
    4850  ws = new G4Ws();
    4951  mat = new G4Mat();
    50   incl = new G4Incl(hazard, inclInput, ws, mat, varntp);
     52  incl = new G4Incl(hazard, calincl, ws, mat, varntp);
     54  theExcitationHandler = new G4ExcitationHandler;
     55  thePrecoModel = new G4PreCompoundModel(theExcitationHandler);
     57  if(!getenv("G4INCLABLANOFERMIBREAKUP")) { // Use Fermi Break-up by default if it is NOT explicitly disabled
     58    incl->setUseFermiBreakUp(true);
     59  }
    5261  verboseLevel = 0;
     66  delete thePrecoModel;
     67  delete theExcitationHandler;
    5769  delete hazard;
    5870  delete varntp;
    59   delete inclInput;
    6071  delete ws;
    6172  delete mat;
    6980  G4int particleI;
     81  G4int bulletType = 0;
    7183  // Print diagnostic messages: 0 = silent, 1 and 2 = verbose
    91103  G4DynamicParticle *cascadeParticle = 0;
    92104  G4ParticleDefinition *aParticleDefinition = 0;
     106  G4ReactionProductVector *thePrecoResult = 0;
     107  G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    94109  // INCL assumes the projectile particle is going in the direction of
    102117  G4LorentzRotation toLabFrame = toZ.inverse();
    104   inclInput = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
    106119  theResult.Clear(); // Make sure the output data structure is clean.
     121  calincl = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
     122  incl->setInput(calincl);
     124  //  G4InclInput::printProjectileTargetInfo(aTrack, theNucleus);
     125  //  calincl->printInfo();
    108127#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    117136  G4double eKinSum = bulletE;
    118137  G4LorentzVector labv = G4LorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, std::sqrt(bulletE*(bulletE + 2.*mass)), bulletE + mass + amass);
     138  G4LorentzVector labvA = G4LorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    119139  G4cout <<"Energy in the beginning = " << labv.e() / MeV << G4endl;
    122142  // Check wheter the input is acceptable.
    123   if((inclInput->bulletType() != 0) && ((inclInput->targetA() != 1) && (inclInput->targetZ() != 1))) {
     143  if((calincl->bulletType() != 0) && ((calincl->targetA() != 1) && (calincl->targetZ() != 1))) {
    124144    ws->nosurf = -2;  // Nucleus surface, -2 = Woods-Saxon
    125145    ws->xfoisa = 8;
    131151    mat->nbmat = 1;
    132     mat->amat[0] = int(inclInput->targetA());
    133     mat->zmat[0] = int(inclInput->targetZ());
     152    mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->targetA());
     153    mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->targetZ());
    135155    incl->initIncl(true);
    140160        G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Try number = " << nTries << G4endl;
    141161      }
    142       incl->processEventIncl(inclInput);
     162      incl->processEventIncl(calincl);
    144164      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    151171       * Diagnostic output
    152172       */
    153       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << inclInput->bulletType() << G4endl;
    154       G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
    156       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
    157       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
     173      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     174      G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
     176      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     177      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    159179      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    160         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << inclInput->bulletType() << G4endl;
    161         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
     180        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     181        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
    163         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
    164         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
    165       }
    167       // for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
    168       //   G4cout << n                       << " " << inclInput->f[6]             << " " << inclInput->f[2] << " ";
    169       //   G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    170       //   G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    171       //   G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    172       //   G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    173       //   G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    174       //   G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    175       //   // For diagnostic output
    176       //   if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    177       //     diagdata << n                       << " " << inclInput->f[6]             << " " << inclInput->f[2] << " ";
    178       //     diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    179       //     diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    180       //     diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    181       //     diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
    182       //          diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    183       //     diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    184       //     diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    185       //   }
    186       // }
     183        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     184        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     185      }
    187187    }
    197197      theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    198       aParticleDefinition = G4InclInput::getParticleDefinition(inclInput->bulletType());
    200       cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle();
    201       cascadeParticle->SetDefinition(aParticleDefinition);
    202       cascadeParticle->Set4Momentum(aTrack.Get4Momentum());
    203       theResult.AddSecondary(cascadeParticle);
     199      G4int bulletType = calincl->bulletType();
     200      aParticleDefinition = G4InclInput::getParticleDefinition(bulletType);
     202      if(aParticleDefinition != 0) {
     203        cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle();
     204        cascadeParticle->SetDefinition(aParticleDefinition);
     205        cascadeParticle->Set4Momentum(aTrack.Get4Momentum());
     206        theResult.AddSecondary(cascadeParticle);
     207      }
    204208    }
    210214#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    211     G4cout << "E [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << " Ekin [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << " E* [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << "Px [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << " Py [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << "Pz [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << "Pt [MeV]" << std::setw(12) << "A" << std::setw(12) << "Z" << G4endl; 
     215    G4cout << "E [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     216           << " Ekin [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     217           << "Px [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     218           << " Py [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     219           << "Pz [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     220           << "Pt [MeV]" << std::setw(12)
     221           << "A" << std::setw(12)
     222           << "Z" << G4endl;
    276287      if((varntp->avv[particleI] > 1) && (varntp->zvv[particleI] >= 1)) { // Nucleus fragment
    277288        G4ParticleDefinition * aIonDef = 0;
    278         G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    280290        G4int A = G4int(varntp->avv[particleI]);
    315325        G4double p = mom.mag();
    316326        labv -= fm;
    317         G4double px = mom.x() * MeV;
    318         G4double py = mom.y() * MeV;
    319         G4double pz = mom.z() * MeV;
     327        if(varntp->avv[particleI] > 1) {
     328          labvA += fm;
     329        }
     330        G4double px = mom.x() * MeV;
     331        G4double py = mom.y() * MeV;
     332        G4double pz = mom.z() * MeV;
    320333        G4double pt = std::sqrt(px*px+py*py);
    321334        G4double e  = fm.e();
    330343        G4cout << fm.e() / MeV
    331344               << std::setw(12) << cascadeParticle->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV
    332                << std::setw(12) << exE / MeV
    333345               << std::setw(12) << mom.x() / MeV
    334346               << std::setw(12) << mom.y() / MeV
    351363      }
    352364    }
     366      G4double nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini)) + varntp->exini * MeV;
     367      G4LorentzVector fragmentMomentum(varntp->pxrem * MeV, varntp->pyrem * MeV, varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     368                                       varntp->erecrem * MeV + nuclearMass);
     369      G4double momentumScaling = G4InclUtils::calculate4MomentumScaling(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini),
     370                                                                        varntp->exini,
     371                                                                        varntp->erecrem,
     372                                                                        varntp->pxrem,
     373                                                                        varntp->pyrem,
     374                                                                        varntp->pzrem);
     375      G4LorentzVector p4(momentumScaling * varntp->pxrem * MeV, momentumScaling * varntp->pyrem * MeV,
     376                         momentumScaling * varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     377                         varntp->erecrem + nuclearMass);
     379      // For four-momentum, baryon number and charge conservation check:
     380      G4LorentzVector fourMomentumBalance = p4;
     381      G4int baryonNumberBalance = G4int(varntp->massini);
     382      G4int chargeBalance = G4int(varntp->mzini);
     384      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentZ;
     385      toFragmentZ.rotateZ(-p4.theta());
     386      toFragmentZ.rotateY(-p4.phi());
     387      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentLab = toFragmentZ.inverse();
     388      p4 *= toFragmentZ;
     390      G4LorentzVector p4rest = p4;
     391      p4rest.boost(-p4.boostVector());
     392      if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     393        G4cout <<"Cascade remnant nucleus:" << G4endl;
     394        G4cout <<"p4: " << G4endl;
     395        G4cout <<" px: " << p4.px() <<" py: " << p4.py() <<" pz: " << p4.pz() << G4endl;
     396        G4cout <<" E = " << p4.e() << G4endl;
     398        G4cout <<"p4rest: " << G4endl;
     399        G4cout <<" px: " << p4rest.px() <<" py: " << p4rest.py() <<" pz: " << p4rest.pz() << G4endl;
     400        G4cout <<" E = " << p4rest.e() << G4endl;
     401      }
     403      G4Fragment theCascadeRemnant(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini), p4rest);
     404      thePrecoResult = thePrecoModel->DeExcite(theCascadeRemnant);
     405      if(thePrecoResult != 0) {
     406      G4ReactionProductVector::iterator fragment;
     407      for(fragment = thePrecoResult->begin(); fragment != thePrecoResult->end(); fragment++) {
     408        G4ParticleDefinition *theFragmentDefinition = (*fragment)->GetDefinition();
     410        if(theFragmentDefinition != 0) {
     411          G4DynamicParticle *theFragment = new G4DynamicParticle(theFragmentDefinition, (*fragment)->GetMomentum());
     412          G4LorentzVector labMomentum = theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     413          labMomentum.boost(p4.boostVector());
     414          labMomentum *= toFragmentLab;
     415          labMomentum *= toLabFrame;
     416          theFragment->Set4Momentum(labMomentum);
     417          fourMomentumBalance -= theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     418          baryonNumberBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
     419          chargeBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicNumber();
     420          if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     421            G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     422            G4cout <<" kinetic energy = " << theFragment->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     423            G4cout <<" momentum = " << theFragment->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     424          }
     425          theResult.AddSecondary(theFragment);
     426        } else {
     427          G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Error. Fragment produced by Fermi break-up does not exist." << G4endl;
     428          G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     429          G4cout <<" momentum = " << (*fragment)->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     430        }
     431      }
     432      delete thePrecoResult;
     433      thePrecoResult = 0;
     435      if(verboseLevel > 1 && std::abs(fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV) > 0.1 * MeV) {
     436        G4cout <<"Four-momentum balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up:" << G4endl;
     437        G4cout <<"Magnitude: " << fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     438        G4cout <<"Vector components (px, py, pz, E) = ("
     439               << fourMomentumBalance.px() << ", "
     440               << fourMomentumBalance.py() << ", "
     441               << fourMomentumBalance.pz() << ", "
     442               << fourMomentumBalance.e() << ")" << G4endl;
     443      }
     444      if(baryonNumberBalance != 0 && verboseLevel > 1) {
     445        G4cout <<"Baryon number balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << baryonNumberBalance << G4endl;
     446      }
     447      if(chargeBalance != 0 && verboseLevel > 1) {
     448        G4cout <<"Charge balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << chargeBalance << G4endl;
     449      }
     450      }
     451      //    } // if(needsFermiBreakUp)
    353453#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    354454    G4cout <<"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
    355455    G4double pt = std::sqrt(std::pow(labv.x(), 2) + std::pow(labv.y(), 2));
    356     G4cout << labv.e() / MeV << std::setw(12) << eKinSum / MeV << std::setw(12) << labv.x() << std::setw(12) << labv.y() << std::setw(12) << labv.z() << std::setw(12) <<  pt / MeV << std::setw(12) << baryonNumber << std::setw(12) << chargeNumber << " totals" << G4endl;
     456    G4double ptA = std::sqrt(std::pow(labvA.x(), 2) + std::pow(labvA.y(), 2));
     457    G4cout << labv.e() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     458           << eKinSum  / MeV << std::setw(12)
     459           << labv.x() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     460           << labv.y() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     461           << labv.z() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     462           << pt       / MeV << std::setw(12)
     463           << baryonNumber << std::setw(12)
     464           << chargeNumber << " totals" << G4endl;
     465    G4cout << " - " << std::setw(12)
     466           << " - " << std::setw(12)
     467           << labvA.x() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     468           << labvA.y() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     469           << labvA.z() / MeV << std::setw(12)
     470           << ptA       / MeV << std::setw(12)
     471           << " - " << std::setw(12) << " - " << " totals ABLA" << G4endl;
    357472    G4cout << G4endl;
    359474    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    360475      if(baryonNumber != 0) {
    369484    }
    372487    varntp->ntrack = 0; // Clean up the number of generated particles in the event.
    373488  }
    379494    theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    381     G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    382496    cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle(theTableOfParticles->FindParticle(aTrack.GetDefinition()), aTrack.Get4Momentum());
    388502    }
    389503    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    390       diagdata <<"ERROR G4InclCascadeInterface: Processing event number (internal) failed " << eventNumber << G4endl;
    391     }
    393     if(inclInput->bulletType() == 0) {
     504      diagdata <<"ERROR G4InclCascadeInterface: Error processing event number (internal) failed " << eventNumber << G4endl;
     505    }
     507    if(bulletType == 0) {
    394508      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    395509        G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Unknown bullet type" << G4endl;     
    402516    }
    404     if((inclInput->targetA() == 1) && (inclInput->targetZ() == 1)) { // Unsupported target
     518    if((calincl->targetA() == 1) && (calincl->targetZ() == 1)) { // Unsupported target
    405519      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    406520        G4cout <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    407         G4cout <<"Target A: " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
    408         G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
     521        G4cout <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     522        G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    409523      }
    410524      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    411525        diagdata <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    412         diagdata <<"Target A: " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
    413         diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
    414       }
    415     }
    417     if(inclInput->bulletE() < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
     526        diagdata <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     527        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     528      }
     529    }
     531    if(calincl->bulletE() < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
    418532      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    419         G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     533        G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    420534        G4cout <<"WARNING: Returning the original bullet with original energy back to Geant4." << G4endl;
    421535      }
    422536      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    423         diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     537        diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    424538      }
    425539    }
    430544  }
     546  delete calincl;
     547  calincl = 0;
    432548  return &theResult;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.