Changeset 1349 for trunk/config/History

Jan 5, 2011, 12:20:17 PM (13 years ago)


1 edited


  • trunk/config/History

    r1337 r1349  
    1 cvs log $Id: History,v 1.379 2010/06/11 10:02:27 gunter Exp $
     1cvs log $Id: History,v 1.400 2010/12/22 16:28:40 lgarnier Exp $
    1717     ----------------------------------------------------------
    19 11 June 2010  Gunter Folger   (config-V09-03-05)
    20 - Increase stack size on Windows, in sys/WIN-VC add a /STACK:8368128
    21    (ie. 8MB) option to LDFLAGS; Needed by some Chips based
    22    examples and tests.
     1922th December 2010  Laurent Garnier
     20- Darwin-g++.gmk add fix to not mix OGL X11 and framework
     228th December 2010  Gunter Folger   (config-V09-03-19)
     23- Updated linux-icc to suppress warning when linking to shared libs
     2525th November 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-18)
     26- Updated internal Configure scripts for adding new data module G4PIIDATA.
     2824th November 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-17 & V09-03-16)
     29- Added hadronic/models/lend module to binmake.gmk and cleanup of obsolete
     30  include paths.
     3219th November 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-15)
     33- Added electromagnetic/pii module to binmake.gmk.
     354th November 2010  Mike Kelsey (config-V09-03-14)
     36- Fixed typo in OGLLIBS definition for MacOSX Leopard.
     382nd November 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-13)
     39- Replace use of strcat() with more secure strncat() in liblist.c, and
     40  protected uses of strcpy().
     41- Updated scripts for Configure, to allow for parallel builds (B.Morgan).
     431st November 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-12)
     44- Restore positional qualifier for LDFLAGS in architecture.gmk to allow for
     45  explicit settings in user applications.
     4726th October 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-11)
     48- Explicitly include -L$(OGLHOME)/lib -lGLU -lGL to OGLLIBS in Darwin-g++.gmk
     49  to resolve dynamic link problem on Mac when opening X11 GL scene viewers.
     50  Moved block of OGLLIBS for X11 to correct 'else' condition.
     5215th October 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-10)
     53- More refinements to Darwin-g++ to correct and simplify Qt4 setup.
     5512th October 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-09)
     56- Force definition of LDFLAGS in architecture.gmk to avoid occasional fatal
     57  clashes with settings in user's environment.
     5910th October 2010  Gabriele Cosmo
     60- Removed obsolete Qt3 setup for Darwin-g++, Linux-g++ and WIN32-VC.
     625th October 2010  Laurent Garnier (config-V09-03-08)
     63- Darwin-g++.gmk: fixed mix between X11 OpenGL and Native OpenGL on mac 10.6.
     6530th September 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-07)
     66- Added 'obj' target to globlib.gmk to allow for just creation of object files.
     6823rd August 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-06)
     69- Simplified QTLIBPATH setup in Linux-g++.gmk.
     7111th June 2010  Gunter Folger (config-V09-03-05)
     72- Increased stack size on Windows, in sys/WIN-VC added option /STACK:8368128
     73  (i.e. 8MB) option to LDFLAGS; needed by some CHIPS-based examples and tests.
    24757th June 2010  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-03-04)
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