Dec 10, 2008, 11:07:19 AM (16 years ago)


4 edited


  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/commandcontrol.xml

    r904 r905  
    12181218  </para></listitem>
    12191219  <listitem><para>
     1220    <ulink url="./Visualization/visTutor/exN03Vis14_mac.html">
     1221    exN03Vis14.mac:</ulink>
     1222    <para>
     1223    A basic macro for visualization of detector geometry and events
     1224    using Qt in Stored mode.
     1225    </para>
     1226  </para></listitem>
     1227  <listitem><para>
     1228    <ulink url="./Visualization/visTutor/exN03Vis15_mac.html">
     1229    exN03Vis15.mac:</ulink>
     1230    <para>
     1231    A basic macro for visualization of detector geometry and events
     1232    using Qt.
     1233    </para>
     1234  </para></listitem>
     1235  <listitem><para>
    12201236    <ulink url="./Visualization/visTutor/exN03Tree0_mac.html">
    12211237    exN03Tree0.mac:</ulink>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/introduction.xml

    r904 r905  
    4646supports a diverse family of graphics systems. Some of these
    4747graphics systems use a graphics library compiled with Geant4, such
    48 as OpenGL, while others involve a separate application, such as
     48as OpenGL, Qt, while others involve a separate application, such as
    4949WIRED or DAWN.
    142142  </para></listitem>
    143143  <listitem><para>
     144    Qt
     145    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     146      <listitem><para>
     147        View directly from Geant4
     148      </para></listitem>
     149      <listitem><para>
     150        Uses Qt and GL libraries that are already included on most Linux
     151        systems (plus some Windows availability)
     152      </para></listitem>
     153      <listitem><para>
     154        Rendered, photorealistic image
     155      </para></listitem>
     156      <listitem><para>
     157        Many interactive features
     158      </para></listitem>
     159      <listitem><para>
     160        zoom, rotate, translate
     161      </para></listitem>
     162      <listitem><para>
     163        Fast response (can usually exploit full potential of graphics
     164        hardware)
     165      </para></listitem>
     166      <listitem><para>
     167        Expanded printing ability (vector and pixel graphics)
     168      </para></listitem>
     169      <listitem><para>
     170        Make movies interactively
     171      </para></listitem>
     172    </itemizedlist>
     173  </para></listitem>
     174  <listitem><para>
    144175    OpenInventor
    145176    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    325356  </para></listitem>
    326357  <listitem><para>
     358    If you want GUI control, very responsive photorealistic graphics plus more
     359    interactivity (and have the Qt libraries installed).
     360    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     361      <listitem><para>
     362        Qt is a good solution
     363      </para></listitem>
     364    </itemizedlist>
     365  </para></listitem>
     366  <listitem><para>
    327367    If you want GUI control, want to be able to pick on items to
    328368    inquire about them (identity, momentum, etc.), perhaps want to
    412452      <listitem><para>
    413453        OpenGL
     454      </para></listitem>
     455      <listitem><para>
     456        Qt
    414457      </para></listitem>
    415458      <listitem><para>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/visdrivers.xml

    r904 r905  
    3434  </para></listitem>
    3535  <listitem><para>
     36    <xref linkend="sect.VisDrv.Qt" />
     37    Qt
     38  </para></listitem>
     39  <listitem><para>
    3640    <xref linkend="sect.VisDrv.OpenInv" />
    3741    OpenInventor
    133137    <entry>
    134138      Windows
     139    </entry>
     140  </row>
     141  <row>
     142    <entry>
     143      Qt
     144    </entry>
     145    <entry>
     146      Qt, OpenGL
     147    </entry>
     148    <entry>
     149      Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows
    135150    </entry>
    136151  </row>
     362<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     363<sect2 id="sect.VisDrv.Qt">
     369This driver have been developed by Laurent Garnier (IN2P3, LAL Orsay). 
     370It is an interface to the powerful toolkit Qt, now free on lot of 
     371platforms. This driver needs OpenGL library to be install. It is well suited for
     372real-time fast visualization and demonstration. Fast visualization
     373is realized with hardware acceleration, reuse of shapes stored in a
     374display list, etc. NURBS visualization is also supported. All OpenGL 
     375features are implements in Qt driver . In addition, mouse events control
     376are used to rotation/move/zoom volume, you can save your scene in lots
     377of formats (vector or not), make movies... 
     379There is only one session of Qt driver for all available platform. 
     380Two display modes are available: immediate mode and stored mode.
     381The former has no limitation on data size, and the latter is fast
     382for visualizing large data repetitively, and so is suitable for
     387To see the visualization window :
     389<?soft-pagebreak ?>
     392     /vis/open OGLSQt
     398<emphasis role="bold">Further information (Qt):</emphasis>
     399<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     400  <listitem><para>
     401    <ulink url="http://trolltech.com/">
     402    Qt
     403    </ulink>
     404  </para></listitem>
     405  <listitem><para>
     406    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4OpenGLTutorial/G4OpenGLTutorial.html">
     407    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial
     408    </ulink>
     409    using the Qt Driver
     410  </para></listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/visexecutable.xml

    r904 r905  
    61 The OpenGL, OpenInventor and RayTracerX drivers are not
     61The OpenGL, Qt, OpenInventor and RayTracerX drivers are not
    6262incorporated by default. Nor are the DAWN-Network and VRML-Network
    6363drivers, because they require the network setting of the installed
    7070     setenv G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER      1  # OpenGL-Xlib driver
    7171     setenv G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER     1  # OpenGL-Motif driver
     72     setenv G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLQT_DRIVER     1  # Qt driver
    7273     setenv G4VIS_BUILD_OIX_DRIVER          1  # OpenInventor-Xlib driver
    7374     setenv G4VIS_BUILD_RAYTRACERX_DRIVER   1  # RayTracer-XLib driver
    147148By default, you get the DAWNFILE, HepRepFile, RayTracer,
    148149VRML1FILE, VRML2FILE, ATree and GAGTree drivers. Additionally, you
    149 may choose from the OpenGL-Xlib, OpenGL-Motif, OpenInventor,
     150may choose from the OpenGL-Xlib, OpenGL-Motif, Qt, OpenInventor,
    150151RayTracerX, DAWN-Network and VRML-Network drivers, each of which
    151152can be selected by setting the proper environment variable:
    155156     setenv G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX      1
    156157     setenv G4VIS_USE_OPENGLXM     1
     158     setenv G4VIS_USE_OPENGLQT     1
    157159     setenv G4VIS_USE_OIX          1
    158160     setenv G4VIS_USE_RAYTRACERX   1
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