Feb 16, 2009, 10:14:30 AM (16 years ago)

en test de gl2ps. Problemes de libraries

5 edited


  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/commandcontrol.xml

    r905 r921  
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
    44<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     5<!--    Added Qt Info: Laurent Garnier, Dec-2008              -->
    56<!--                                                          -->
    67<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    373374    </para>
    374375  </para></listitem>
     376  <listitem><para>
     377    <emphasis role="bold">Additional note 2</emphasis>
     378    <para>
     379    Events may be kept and reviewed at end of run with
     380    <programlisting>
     381    Idle&gt; /vis/reviewKeptEvents
     382    </programlisting>
     383    Keep all events with
     384    <programlisting>
     385    Idle&gt; /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate [maxNumber]
     386    </programlisting>
     387    (see
     388    <xref linkend="sect.VisCntCmmd.EndEvtRun" />)
     389    </para><para>
     390    or keep some chosen subset with
     391    <programlisting>
     392    G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->KeepTheCurrentEvent();
     393    </programlisting>
     394    as described in
     395    <xref linkend="programlist_OptUAct_1" />.
     396    </para><para>
     397    To suppress drawing during a run
     398    <programlisting>
     399    Idle&gt; /vis/disable
     400    Idle&gt; /run/beamOn 10000
     401    </programlisting>
     402    then at end of run
     403    <programlisting>
     404    Idle&gt; /vis/enable
     405    Idle&gt; /vis/reviewKeptEvents
     406    </programlisting>
     407    </para>
     408  </para></listitem>
    650684End of Event Action and End of Run Action:
    651685<literal>/vis/viewer/endOfEventAction</literal> and
    652 <literal>/vis/viewer/endOfEventAction</literal> commands
     686<literal>/vis/viewer/endOfRunAction</literal> commands
    847 The WIRED3 HepRep Browser and WIRED4 JAS Plug-In can generate a
     881The HepRApp HepRep Browser and WIRED4 JAS Plug-In can generate a
    848882wide variety of bitmap and vector output formats including
    849883PostScript and PDF.
    12251259    </para>
    12261260  </para></listitem>
    1227   <listitem><para>
    1228     <ulink url="./Visualization/visTutor/exN03Vis15_mac.html">
    1229     exN03Vis15.mac:</ulink>
    1230     <para>
    1231     A basic macro for visualization of detector geometry and events
    1232     using Qt.
    1233     </para>
    1234   </para></listitem>
    1235   <listitem><para>
     1261   <listitem><para>
    12361262    <ulink url="./Visualization/visTutor/exN03Tree0_mac.html">
    12371263    exN03Tree0.mac:</ulink>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/introduction.xml

    r905 r921  
    66<!--    Proof read by: Joe Chuma,  5-Jul-1999                 -->
    77<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     8<!--    Added Qt Info: Laurent Garnier, Dec-2008              -->
     9<!--    Updates for Qt and HepRApp: Joseph Perl, Dec-2008     -->
    810<!--                                                          -->
    911<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    4749graphics systems use a graphics library compiled with Geant4, such
    4850as OpenGL, Qt, while others involve a separate application, such as
    49 WIRED or DAWN.
     51HepRApp or DAWN.
    123125      </para></listitem>
    124126      <listitem><para>
    125         Uses GL libraries that are already included on most Linux
    126         systems (plus some Windows availability)
     127        Requires addition of GL libraries that are freely avialable for all operating systems (and pre-installed on many)
    127128      </para></listitem>
    128129      <listitem><para>
    137138      </para></listitem>
    138139      <listitem><para>
    139         Limited printing ability (pixel graphics, not vector graphics)
     140        Print to EPS (vector and pixel graphics)
    140141      </para></listitem>
    141142    </itemizedlist>
    148149      </para></listitem>
    149150      <listitem><para>
    150         Uses Qt and GL libraries that are already included on most Linux
    151         systems (plus some Windows availability)
     151        Requies addition of Qt and GL libraries that are freely available on most operating
     152        systems
    152153      </para></listitem>
    153154      <listitem><para>
    168169      </para></listitem>
    169170      <listitem><para>
    170         Make movies interactively
     171        Easy interface to make movies
    171172      </para></listitem>
    172173    </itemizedlist>
    205206  </para></listitem>
    206207  <listitem><para>
    207     HepRep/WIRED
    208     <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    209       <listitem><para>
    210         Create a file to view in the WIRED3 HepRep Browser or the
    211         WIRED4 JAS Plugin
    212       </para></listitem>
    213       <listitem><para>
    214         Requires WIRED browser (a Java application easily to install on
    215         all operating systems)
     208    HepRep
     209    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     210      <listitem><para>
     211        Create a file to view in a HepRep browser such as HepRApp,
     212        FRED or WIRED4
     213      </para></listitem>
     214      <listitem><para>
     215        Requires a HepRep browser (above options work on any operating system)
    216216      </para></listitem>
    217217      <listitem><para>
    348348  <listitem><para>
    349349    If you want very responsive photorealistic graphics plus more
    350     interactivity (and have the OpenInventor libraries installed)
    351     <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    352       <listitem><para>
    353         OpenInventor is a good solution
     350    interactivity (and have the OpenInventor or Qt libraries installed)
     351    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     352      <listitem><para>
     353        OpenInventor or Qt are good solutions
    354354      </para></listitem>
    355355    </itemizedlist>
    370370    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    371371      <listitem><para>
    372         HepRep/WIRED will meet your needs
     372        HepRep will meet your needs
    373373      </para></listitem>
    374374    </itemizedlist>
    473473    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    474474      <listitem><para>
    475         HepRep/WIRED
     475        HepRep
    476476      </para></listitem>
    477477      <listitem><para>
    527527    <xref linkend="sect.VisPlylMrkTxt" />
    528528    Polylines, Markers and Text
     529  </para></listitem>
     530  <listitem><para>
     531    <xref linkend="sect.MkMovie" />
     532    Making a Movie
    529533  </para></listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/makingamovie.xml

    r904 r921  
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
    44<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     5<!--    Updates for Qt: Laurent Garnier, Dec-2008             -->
    56<!--                                                          -->
    67<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    2930drivers currently capable of producing picture files are:
     32<ulink url="http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/mpeg_encode.html">More informations about MPEG encoder</ulink>
    3235  <tgroup cols="2">
    7073      <entry>
    7174        eps
     75      </entry>
     76    </row>
     77    <row>
     78      <entry>
     79        Qt
     80      </entry>
     81      <entry>
     82        jpeg, eps, ppm, ...
    7283      </entry>
    7384    </row>
     218<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     219<sect2 id="sect.MkMovie.Qt">
     225The Qt driver provides one of the easiest ways to make a movie.
     226Of course, you first need to add the Qt libraries and link with Qt,
     227but once you have that, Qt provides a ready-made function to store all updates of the OpenGL
     228frame into the movie format.
     229You then use loops (as defined in OGLX section above) or even move/rotate/zoom you scene
     230by mouse actions to form your movie.
     233The Qt driver automatically handles all of the movie-making steps described in the OGLX section of this document - storing the files, converting them and assembling the finished movie.
     234You just have to take care of installing an mpeg_encoder.
     237To make a movie :
     238<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     239  <listitem><para>
     240   Right click to display a context menu, "Action"->"Movie parameters".
     241  </para></listitem>
     242  <listitem><para>
     243   Select MPEG encoder path if it was not found.
     244  </para></listitem>
     245  <listitem><para>
     246   Select the name of the output movie.
     247  </para></listitem>
     248  <listitem><para>
     249   Let go! Hit SPACE to Start/Pause recording, RETURN to STOP
     250  </para></listitem>
     254Then, open your movie (on Mac, for example):
     258open G4OpenGL.mpg
     262opens a QuickTime player.
    208268<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/visdrivers.xml

    r905 r921  
    44<!--    Changed by: Dennis Wright, 27-Nov-2001                -->
    55<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     6<!--    Updates for Qt and HepRApp: Joseph Perl, Dec-2008     -->
    67<!--                                                          -->
    78<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    114115    </entry>
    115116    <entry>
    116       Linux, Unix, Mac with Xlib
     117      Linux, UNIX, Mac with Xlib
    117118    </entry>
    118119  </row>
    147148    </entry>
    148149    <entry>
    149       Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows
     150      Linux, UNIX, Mac, Windows
    150151    </entry>
    151152  </row>
    177178    </entry>
    178179    <entry>
    179       WIRED or FRED HepRep Browser
     180      HepRApp, FRED or WIRED4 HepRep Browser
    180181    </entry>
    181182    <entry>
    191192    </entry>
    192193    <entry>
    193       Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows
     194      Linux, UNIX, Mac, Windows
    194195    </entry>
    195196  </row>
    306 If you don't have Motif, all control is done from Geant4
     307Output can be exported to EPS (both vector and pixel graphics)
     308using vis/ogl/printEPS.
     312If you don't have Motif or Qt, all control is done from Geant4
     338If you have Qt, see the Qt section below.
    369 This driver have been developed by Laurent Garnier (IN2P3, LAL Orsay). 
    370 It is an interface to the powerful toolkit Qt, now free on lot of 
    371 platforms. This driver needs OpenGL library to be install. It is well suited for
    372 real-time fast visualization and demonstration. Fast visualization
    373 is realized with hardware acceleration, reuse of shapes stored in a
     379This driver has been developed by Laurent Garnier (IN2P3, LAL Orsay). 
     380It is an interface to the powerful application framework, Qt, now free on most 
     381platforms. This driver also requires the OpenGL library.
     383The Qt driver is well suited for real-time fast visualization and demonstration.
     384Fast visualization is realized with hardware acceleration, reuse of shapes stored in a
    374385display list, etc. NURBS visualization is also supported. All OpenGL 
    375 features are implements in Qt driver . In addition, mouse events control
    376 are used to rotation/move/zoom volume, you can save your scene in lots
    377 of formats (vector or not), make movies... 
     386features are implemented in the Qt driver, but one also gets mouse
     387control of rotation/translation/zoom, the ability to save your scene in many formats
     388(both vector and pixel graphics) and an easy interface for making movies.
    379 There is only one session of Qt driver for all available platform. 
    380390Two display modes are available: immediate mode and stored mode.
    381391The former has no limitation on data size, and the latter is fast
    387397To see the visualization window :
    388 </para>
    389399<?soft-pagebreak ?>
    392      /vis/open OGLSQt
     402     /vis/open OGLSQt  (for Stored mode)
     404     /vis/open OGLIQt  (for Immediate mode)
    404416  </para></listitem>
    405417  <listitem><para>
    406     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4OpenGLTutorial/G4OpenGLTutorial.html">
     418    <ulink url="http://users.lal.in2p3.fr/garnier/G4QtTutorial.html">
    407419    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial
    408420    </ulink>
    410422  </para></listitem>
    523536The HepRepFile driver creates a HepRep XML file in the HepRep1
    524537format suitable for viewing with the
    525 <ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Graphics/Wired/">
    526 WIRED3</ulink> HepRep Browser.
     538<ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~perl/HepRApp/">
     539HepRApp</ulink> HepRep Browser.
    567 View the file using the WIRED3 HepRep Browser, available from:
    568 </para>
    569 <para>
    570 <ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Graphics/Wired/">
    571 http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Graphics/Wired/
     580View the file using the HepRApp HepRep Browser, available from:
     583<ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~perl/HepRApp/">
    577 WIRED3 allows you to pick on volumes, trajectories and hits to
     590HepRApp allows you to pick on volumes, trajectories and hits to
    578591find out their associated HepRep Attributes, such as volume name,
    579592particle ID, momentum, etc. These same attributes can be displayed
    586 WIRED3 can read heprep files in zipped format as well as
     599HepRApp can read heprep files in zipped format as well as
    587600unzipped, so you can save space by applying gzip to the heprep
    588601file. This will reduce the file to about five percent of its
    661674<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    662675  <listitem><para>
    663     WIRED3 Users Home Page:
     676    HepRApp Users Home Page:
    664677    <para>
    665     <ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Graphics/Wired/">
    666     http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Graphics/Wired/
     678    <ulink url="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~perl/HepRApp/">
     679    http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~perl/HepRApp/
    667680    </ulink>
    668681    .
    678691  </para></listitem>
    679692  <listitem><para>
    680     Geant4 Visualization Tutorial using the WIRED3 HepRep Browser
     693    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial using the HepRApp HepRep Browser
    681694    <para>
    682     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4WIREDTutorial/G4WIREDTutorial.html">
    683     http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4WIREDTutorial/G4WIREDTutorial.html
     695    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4HepRAppTutorial/G4HepRAppTutorial.html">
     696    http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4HepRAppTutorial/G4HepRAppTutorial.html
    684697    </ulink>
    685698    </para>
    16231636    <mediaobject>
    16241637      <imageobject role="fo">
    1625         <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnp.gif"
     1638        <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnp.jpg"
    16261639                   format="JPG" contentwidth="12.0cm" align="center" />
    16271640      </imageobject>
    16281641      <imageobject role="html">
    1629         <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnp.gif"
     1642        <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnp.jpg"
    16301643                   format="JPG" align="center" />
    16311644        </imageobject>
    16431656    <mediaobject>
    16441657      <imageobject role="fo">
    1645         <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnpfind.gif"
     1658        <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnpfind.jpg"
    16461659                   format="JPG" contentwidth="12.0cm" align="center" />
    16471660      </imageobject>
    16481661      <imageobject role="html">
    1649         <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnpfind.gif"
     1662        <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Visualization/visualization.src/xmlnpfind.jpg"
    16501663                   format="JPG" align="center" />
    16511664      </imageobject>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/visexecutable.xml

    r905 r921  
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
    44<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     5<!--    Updates for Qt: Laurent Garnier, Dec-2008             -->
    56<!--                                                          -->
    67<!-- ******************************************************** -->
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