Apr 6, 2009, 12:30:29 PM (15 years ago)

update processes

1 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/cross_sections/src/G4CrossSectionDataStore.cc

    r819 r962  
    2424// ********************************************************************
     26// $Id: G4CrossSectionDataStore.cc,v 1.16 2009/01/24 11:54:47 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $
     29// -------------------------------------------------------------------
     31// GEANT4 Class file
     34// File name:     G4CrossSectionDataStore
     37// Modifications:
     38// 23.01.2009 V.Ivanchenko add destruction of data sets
    3145#include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh"
    3246#include "Randomize.hh"
     47#include "G4Nucleus.hh"
     49G4CrossSectionDataStore::G4CrossSectionDataStore() :
     50  NDataSetList(0), verboseLevel(0)
    142 std::pair<G4double, G4double>
    143 G4CrossSectionDataStore::SelectRandomIsotope(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
    144                                              const G4Material* aMaterial)
     163G4Element* G4CrossSectionDataStore::SampleZandA(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
     164                                                const G4Material* aMaterial,
     165                                                G4Nucleus& target)
     167  G4double aTemp = aMaterial->GetTemperature();
     168  const G4int nElements = aMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
     169  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = aMaterial->GetElementVector();
     170  G4Element* anElement = (*theElementVector)[0];
     171  G4VCrossSectionDataSet* inCharge;
     172  G4int i;
     174  // compounds
     175  if(1 < nElements) {
     176    G4double* xsec = new G4double [nElements];
     177    const G4double* theAtomsPerVolumeVector = aMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
     178    G4double cross = 0.0;
     179    for(i=0; i<nElements; i++) {
     180      anElement= (*theElementVector)[i];
     181      inCharge = whichDataSetInCharge(particle, anElement);
     182      cross   += theAtomsPerVolumeVector[i]*
     183        inCharge->GetCrossSection(particle, anElement, aTemp);
     184      xsec[i]  = cross;
     185    }
     186    cross *= G4UniformRand();
     188    for(i=0; i<nElements; i++) {
     189      if( cross <=  xsec[i] ) {
     190        anElement = (*theElementVector)[i];
     191        break;
     192      }
     193    }
     194    delete [] xsec;
     195  }
     197  // element have been selected
     198  inCharge = whichDataSetInCharge(particle, anElement);
     199  G4double ZZ = anElement->GetZ();
     200  G4double AA;
     202  // Collect abundance weighted cross sections and A values for each isotope
     203  // in each element
     205  const G4int nIsoPerElement = anElement->GetNumberOfIsotopes();
     207  // user-defined isotope abundances
     208  if (0 < nIsoPerElement) {
     209    G4IsotopeVector* isoVector = anElement->GetIsotopeVector();
     210    AA = G4double((*isoVector)[0]->GetN());
     211    if(1 < nIsoPerElement) {
     213      G4double* xsec  = new G4double [nIsoPerElement];
     214      G4double iso_xs = 0.0;
     215      G4double cross  = 0.0;
     217      G4double* abundVector = anElement->GetRelativeAbundanceVector();
     218      G4bool elementXS = false;
     219      for (i = 0; i<nIsoPerElement; i++) {
     220        if (inCharge->IsZAApplicable(particle, ZZ, G4double((*isoVector)[i]->GetN()))) {
     221          iso_xs = inCharge->GetIsoCrossSection(particle, (*isoVector)[i], aTemp);
     222        } else if (elementXS == false) {
     223          iso_xs = inCharge->GetCrossSection(particle, anElement, aTemp);
     224          elementXS = true;
     225        }
     227        cross  += abundVector[i]*iso_xs;
     228        xsec[i] = cross;
     229      }
     230      cross *= G4UniformRand();
     231      for (i = 0; i<nIsoPerElement; i++) {
     232        if(cross <= xsec[i]) {
     233          AA = G4double((*isoVector)[i]->GetN());
     234          break;
     235        }
     236      }
     237      delete [] xsec;
     238    }
     239    // natural abundances
     240  } else {
     242    G4StableIsotopes theDefaultIsotopes; 
     243    G4int Z = G4int(ZZ + 0.5);
     244    const G4int nIso = theDefaultIsotopes.GetNumberOfIsotopes(Z);
     245    G4int index = theDefaultIsotopes.GetFirstIsotope(Z);
     246    AA = G4double(theDefaultIsotopes.GetIsotopeNucleonCount(index));
     248    if(1 < nIso) {
     250      G4double* xsec  = new G4double [nIso];
     251      G4double iso_xs = 0.0;
     252      G4double cross  = 0.0;
     253      G4bool elementXS= false;
     255      for (i = 0; i<nIso; i++) {
     256        AA = G4double(theDefaultIsotopes.GetIsotopeNucleonCount(index+i));
     257        if (inCharge->IsZAApplicable(particle, ZZ, AA )) {
     258          iso_xs = inCharge->GetIsoZACrossSection(particle, ZZ, AA, aTemp);
     259        } else if (elementXS == false) {
     260          iso_xs = inCharge->GetCrossSection(particle, anElement, aTemp);
     261          elementXS = true;
     262        }
     263        cross  += theDefaultIsotopes.GetAbundance(index+i)*iso_xs;
     264        xsec[i] = cross;
     265      }
     266      cross *= G4UniformRand();
     267      for (i = 0; i<nIso; i++) {
     268        if(cross <= xsec[i]) {
     269          AA = G4double(theDefaultIsotopes.GetIsotopeNucleonCount(index+i));
     270          break;
     271        }
     272      }
     273      delete [] xsec;
     274    }
     275  }
     276  //G4cout << "XS: " << particle->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
     277  //     << " e(GeV)= " << particle->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
     278  //     << " in " << aMaterial->GetName()
     279  //     << " ZZ= " << ZZ << " AA= " << AA << "  " << anElement->GetName() << G4endl;
     281  target.SetParameters(AA, ZZ);
     282  return anElement;
     286G4Element* G4CrossSectionDataStore::SampleZandA(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
     287                                                const G4Material* aMaterial,
     288                                                G4Nucleus& target)
    146290  static G4StableIsotopes theDefaultIsotopes;  // natural abundances and
    229373  // cross section is zero
     375  anElement = (*theElementVector)[0];
     376  G4double ZZ = anElement->GetZ();
     377  G4double AA = AvaluesPerElement[0][0];
     378  if (crossSectionTotal != 0.) {
     379    G4double random = G4UniformRand();
     380    for(G4int i=0; i < nElements; i++) {
     381      if(i!=0) runningSum[i] += runningSum[i-1];
     382      if(random <= runningSum[i]/crossSectionTotal) {
     383        anElement = (*theElementVector)[i];
     384        ZZ = anElement->GetZ();
     386        // Compare random number to running sum over isotope xc to choose A
     388        G4int nIso = awicsPerElement[i].size();
     389        G4double* running = new G4double[nIso];
     390        for (G4int j=0; j < nIso; j++) {
     391          running[j] = awicsPerElement[i][j];
     392          if(j!=0) running[j] += running[j-1];
     393        }
     395        G4double trial = G4UniformRand();
     396        for (G4int j=0; j < nIso; j++) {
     397          AA = AvaluesPerElement[i][j];
     398          if (trial <= running[j]/running[nIso-1]) break;
     399        }
     400        delete [] running;
     401        break;
     402      }
     403    }
     404  }
     406  //G4cout << "XS: " << particle->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
     407  //     << " e(GeV)= " << particle->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
     408  //     << " in " << aMaterial->GetName()
     409  //     << " ZZ= " << ZZ << " AA= " << AA << "  " << anElement->GetName() << G4endl;
     411  target.SetParameters(AA, ZZ);
     412  return anElement;
     415std::pair<G4double, G4double>
     416G4CrossSectionDataStore::SelectRandomIsotope(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
     417                                             const G4Material* aMaterial)
     419  static G4StableIsotopes theDefaultIsotopes;  // natural abundances and
     420                                               // stable isotopes
     421  G4double aTemp = aMaterial->GetTemperature();
     422  G4int nElements = aMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
     423  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = aMaterial->GetElementVector();
     424  const G4double* theAtomsPerVolumeVector = aMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
     425  std::vector<std::vector<G4double> > awicsPerElement;
     426  std::vector<std::vector<G4double> > AvaluesPerElement;
     427  G4Element* anElement;
     429  // Collect abundance weighted cross sections and A values for each isotope
     430  // in each element
     432  for (G4int i = 0; i < nElements; i++) {
     433    anElement = (*theElementVector)[i];
     434    G4int nIsoPerElement = anElement->GetNumberOfIsotopes();
     435    std::vector<G4double> isoholder;
     436    std::vector<G4double> aholder;
     437    G4double iso_xs = DBL_MIN;
     439    if (nIsoPerElement) { // user-defined isotope abundances
     440      G4IsotopeVector* isoVector = anElement->GetIsotopeVector();
     441      G4double* abundVector = anElement->GetRelativeAbundanceVector();
     442      G4VCrossSectionDataSet* inCharge = whichDataSetInCharge(particle, anElement);
     443      G4bool elementXS = false;
     444      for (G4int j = 0; j < nIsoPerElement; j++) {
     445        if (inCharge->IsZAApplicable(particle, (*isoVector)[j]->GetZ(),
     446                                               (*isoVector)[j]->GetN() ) ) {
     447          iso_xs = inCharge->GetIsoCrossSection(particle, (*isoVector)[j], aTemp);
     448        } else if (elementXS == false) {
     449          iso_xs = inCharge->GetCrossSection(particle, anElement, aTemp);
     450          elementXS = true;
     451        }
     453        isoholder.push_back(abundVector[j]*iso_xs);
     454        aholder.push_back(G4double((*isoVector)[j]->GetN()));
     455      }
     457    } else { // natural abundances
     458      G4int ZZ = G4lrint(anElement->GetZ());
     459      nIsoPerElement = theDefaultIsotopes.GetNumberOfIsotopes(ZZ);
     460      G4int index = theDefaultIsotopes.GetFirstIsotope(ZZ);
     461      G4double AA;
     462      G4double abundance;
     464      G4VCrossSectionDataSet* inCharge = whichDataSetInCharge(particle, anElement);
     465      G4bool elementXS = false;
     467      for (G4int j = 0; j < nIsoPerElement; j++) {
     468        AA = G4double(theDefaultIsotopes.GetIsotopeNucleonCount(index+j));
     469        aholder.push_back(AA);
     470        if (inCharge->IsZAApplicable(particle, G4double(ZZ), AA) ) {
     471          iso_xs = inCharge->GetIsoZACrossSection(particle, G4double(ZZ), AA, aTemp);
     472        } else if (elementXS == false) {
     473          iso_xs = inCharge->GetCrossSection(particle, anElement, aTemp);
     474          elementXS = true;
     475        }
     476        abundance = theDefaultIsotopes.GetAbundance(index+j)/100.0;
     477        isoholder.push_back(abundance*iso_xs);
     478      }
     479    }
     481    awicsPerElement.push_back(isoholder);
     482    AvaluesPerElement.push_back(aholder);
     483  }
     485  // Calculate running sums for isotope selection
     487  G4double crossSectionTotal = 0;
     488  G4double xSectionPerElement;
     489  std::vector<G4double> runningSum;
     491  for (G4int i=0; i < nElements; i++) {
     492    xSectionPerElement = 0;
     493    for (G4int j=0; j < G4int(awicsPerElement[i].size()); j++)
     494                     xSectionPerElement += awicsPerElement[i][j];
     495    runningSum.push_back(theAtomsPerVolumeVector[i]*xSectionPerElement);
     496    crossSectionTotal += runningSum[i];
     497  }
     499  // Compare random number to running sum over element xc to choose Z
     501  // Initialize Z and A to first element and first isotope in case
     502  // cross section is zero
    231504  G4double ZZ = (*theElementVector)[0]->GetZ();
    232505  G4double AA = AvaluesPerElement[0][0];
    259532  return std::pair<G4double, G4double>(ZZ, AA);
    264537G4CrossSectionDataStore::AddDataSet(G4VCrossSectionDataSet* aDataSet)
    266    if (NDataSetList == NDataSetMax) {
    267       G4cout << "WARNING: G4CrossSectionDataStore::AddDataSet: "<<G4endl;
    268       G4cout << "         reached maximum number of data sets";
    269       G4cout << "         data set not added !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
    270       return;
    271    }
    272    DataSetList[NDataSetList] = aDataSet;
    273    NDataSetList++;
    274 }
     539  DataSetList.push_back(aDataSet);
     540  NDataSetList++;
    279545BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType)
    281    if (NDataSetList == 0)
    282    {
    283      G4Exception("G4CrossSectionDataStore", "007", FatalException,
    284                  "BuildPhysicsTable: no data sets registered");
    285      return;
    286    }
    287    for (G4int i = NDataSetList-1; i >= 0; i--) {
     547  if(NDataSetList > 0) {
     548    for (G4int i=0; i<NDataSetList; i++) {
    288549      DataSetList[i]->BuildPhysicsTable(aParticleType);
    289    }
     550    }
     551  }
    295557DumpPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType)
    297    if (NDataSetList == 0) {
    298       G4cout << "WARNING - G4CrossSectionDataStore::DumpPhysicsTable: no data sets registered"<<G4endl;
    299       return;
    300    }
    301    for (G4int i = NDataSetList-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    302       DataSetList[i]->DumpPhysicsTable(aParticleType);
    303    }
    304 }
     559  if (NDataSetList == 0) {
     560    G4cout << "WARNING - G4CrossSectionDataStore::DumpPhysicsTable: "
     561           << " no data sets registered"<<G4endl;
     562    return;
     563  }
     564  for (G4int i = NDataSetList-1; i >= 0; i--) {
     565    DataSetList[i]->DumpPhysicsTable(aParticleType);
     566  }
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