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G4UIGainServer Class Reference

#include <G4UIGainServer.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4UIGainServer:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for G4UIGainServer:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

G4UIsession * SessionStart ()
void PauseSessionStart (G4String msg)
G4int ReceiveG4cout (G4String coutString)
G4int ReceiveG4cerr (G4String cerrString)
 G4UIGainServer ()
 ~G4UIGainServer ()
void SessionTerminate ()
void Prompt (G4String)
G4String GetCommand ()

Private Member Functions

void GetNewTreeStructure (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void GetNewTreeValues (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void ExecuteCommand (G4String aCommand)
G4bool GetHelpChoice (G4int &aInt)
void ExitHelp ()
bool SetUPServer ()
void WaitingConnection ()
void CloseConnection ()
void ChangeDirectory (G4String)
void ListDirectory (G4String)
void TerminalHelp (G4String)
G4String ModifyPrefix (G4String)
G4UIcommandTree * FindDirPath (G4String)
void ShowCurrent (G4String)
G4String GetFullPath (G4String)
void SendCommandProperties (G4UIcommandTree *)
void SendParameterProperties (G4UIcommandTree *)
void SendAParamProperty (G4UIcommand *)
void SendATclParamProperty (G4UIcommand *)
void CodeGenJavaTree (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void CodeGenJavaParams (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void CodeGenTclTree (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void CodeGenTclParams (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void SendDisableList (G4UIcommandTree *, int recursiveLevel)
void NotifyStateChange (void)
void NotifyCommandUpdate (void)
void NotifyParameterUpdate (G4UIcommand *)
int CommandUpdated (void)
void UpdateState (void)
void UpdateParamVal (void)

Private Attributes

G4String prefix
G4String promptCharacter
G4UImanager * UI
UImode uiMode
G4String JVersion
G4String TVersion
G4bool iExit
G4bool iCont
int socketD [3]
int port
sockaddr_in saddr
sockaddr_in caddr
int len
int ret
char buf [1024]
std::vector< G4String > previousTreeCommands
std::vector< G4String > newTreeCommands
std::vector< G4String > previousTreeParams
std::vector< G4String > newTreeParams
std::vector< G4UIcommand * > previousTreePCP
std::vector< G4UIcommand * > newTreePCP

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4UIGainServer::G4UIGainServer  ) 

Definition at line 44 of file

References GetNewTreeStructure(), GetNewTreeValues(), iCont, iExit, JVersion, newTreeCommands, newTreeParams, newTreePCP, port, prefix, previousTreeCommands, previousTreeParams, previousTreePCP, promptCharacter, SetUPServer(), terminal_mode, TVersion, UI, and uiMode.

00046 {
00047     TVersion ="T1.0a"; JVersion="J1.0a";
00048     prefix = "/";
00050     port = DEFAULT_PORT;
00051     while(SetUPServer() == false){
00052         G4cout<<"can't get the port no. "<<port<<" Now, try to get the next port "<<port+1<<G4endl;
00053         port++;
00054     }
00057     UI= G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
00058     UI-> SetSession(this);
00059     UI-> SetCoutDestination(this);
00061     G4StateManager* statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
00062     promptCharacter = statM->GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState());
00063     uiMode = terminal_mode;
00065     iExit= FALSE;
00066     iCont= FALSE;
00068     G4UIcommandTree* tree = UI->GetTree();
00069     GetNewTreeStructure(tree,0);
00070     GetNewTreeValues(tree,0);
00071     previousTreeCommands = newTreeCommands;
00072     previousTreeParams = newTreeParams;
00073     previousTreePCP = newTreePCP;
00075 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4UIGainServer::~G4UIGainServer  ) 

Definition at line 78 of file

References UI.

00080 { 
00082     if(G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()) {
00083       UI-> SetSession(NULL);
00084       UI-> SetCoutDestination(NULL);
00085     }
00087     if(G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()!=0){
00088         UI->SetSession(NULL);
00089         UI->SetCoutDestination(NULL);
00090     }
00091 }

Member Function Documentation

void G4UIGainServer::ChangeDirectory G4String   )  [private]

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::CloseConnection  )  [private]

void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenJavaParams G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenJavaTree G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenTclParams G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenTclTree G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

int G4UIGainServer::CommandUpdated void   )  [private]

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::ExecuteCommand G4String  aCommand  )  [private, virtual]


Reimplemented from G4VBasicShell.

Definition at line 132 of file

References CommandUpdated(), GetNewTreeStructure(), GetNewTreeValues(), newTreeCommands, newTreeParams, newTreePCP, NotifyCommandUpdate(), previousTreeCommands, previousTreeParams, previousTreePCP, terminal_mode, UI, uiMode, UpdateParamVal(), and UpdateState().

Referenced by PauseSessionStart(), and SessionStart().

00134 {
00135     if(aCommand.length()<2) return;
00137     G4UIcommandTree* tree = UI->GetTree();
00138     if(aCommand.length()<2) return;
00139     G4int returnVal = UI->ApplyCommand(aCommand);
00140     G4int paramIndex = returnVal % 100;
00141     // 0 - 98 : paramIndex-th parameter is invalid
00142     // 99     : convination of parameters is invalid
00143     G4int commandStatus = returnVal - paramIndex;
00145     UpdateState();
00147     if(uiMode != terminal_mode){
00148         switch(commandStatus) {
00149         case fCommandSucceeded:
00150             GetNewTreeStructure(tree,0);
00151             GetNewTreeValues(tree,0);
00152             if(CommandUpdated()){
00153                 NotifyCommandUpdate();
00154             } else{
00155                 UpdateParamVal();
00156             }
00157             previousTreeCommands = newTreeCommands;
00158             previousTreeParams = newTreeParams;
00159             previousTreePCP = newTreePCP;
00160             break;
00161         case fCommandNotFound:
00162             G4cerr << "@@ErrResult \" <" << UI->SolveAlias(aCommand) << "> not found.\"" << G4endl;
00163             break;
00164         case fIllegalApplicationState:
00165             G4cerr << "@@ErrResult \"illegal application state -- command refused.\"" << G4endl;
00166             break;
00167         case fParameterOutOfRange:
00168             G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"Parameter Out of Range.\"" << G4endl;
00169             break;
00170         case fParameterUnreadable:
00171             G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"Parameter is wrong type and/or is not omittable.\""<<G4endl;
00172             break;
00173         case fParameterOutOfCandidates:
00174             G4cerr << "@@ErrResult \"Parameter is out of candidate.\"" << G4endl;
00175             break;
00176         case fAliasNotFound:
00177         default:
00178             G4cerr << "command refused (" << commandStatus << ")" << G4endl;
00179         }
00180     }
00181 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UIGainServer::ExitHelp  )  [private, virtual]

Implements G4VBasicShell.

Definition at line 362 of file

00364 {
00365     char temp[100];
00366     G4cin.getline(temp, 100);
00367 }

G4UIcommandTree* G4UIGainServer::FindDirPath G4String   )  [private]

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

G4String G4UIGainServer::GetCommand  ) 

Definition at line 184 of file

References buf, ChangeDirectory(), GetFullPath(), iCont, iExit, java_mode, JVersion, ListDirectory(), NotifyStateChange(), prefix, promptCharacter, SendCommandProperties(), ShowCurrent(), socketD, tcl_mode, terminal_mode, TerminalHelp(), TVersion, UI, and uiMode.

Referenced by PauseSessionStart(), and SessionStart().

00186 {
00187     G4String newCommand;
00188     G4String nullString;
00190   while( 1 )
00191   {
00192     G4UIcommandTree* tree = UI->GetTree();
00193     if ( uiMode != terminal_mode ){
00194       G4cout << "@@PROMPT \"" << promptCharacter << "\"" << G4endl;
00195     }
00196     if ( uiMode != java_mode ){
00197       G4cout << promptCharacter << "> " << G4endl;
00198     }else{
00199       G4cout << "@@Ready" << G4endl;
00200     }
00205     read(socketD[1],buf,1024);
00206     newCommand=buf;
00207     //DEBUG cout<<"->"<<newCommand<<"<-"<<newCommand.length()<<G4endl;
00208     //newCommand.readLine( G4cin, FALSE );
00214     if (!G4cin.good()) { G4cin.clear(); newCommand = nullString; iExit=false;break;}
00216     newCommand = newCommand.strip(G4String::leading);
00217     if( newCommand.length() < 1) { break; }
00219     while( newCommand(newCommand.length()-1) == '_' )
00220     {
00221       G4String newLine;
00222       newCommand.remove(newCommand.length()-1);
00223       newLine.readLine( G4cin );
00224       if (!G4cin.good()) { G4cin.clear(); newCommand = nullString; iExit=false;break;}
00225       newCommand.append(newLine);
00226     }
00228     G4String nC = newCommand.strip(G4String::leading);
00229     if( nC.length() < 1) { break; }
00231     // -------------------- nC.toUpper();
00232     if( nC == "@@GainmodeJAVA" ) {
00233       uiMode = java_mode;
00234       G4cout << G4endl << "@@Version " << JVersion << G4endl;
00235       SendCommandProperties(tree);
00236       NotifyStateChange();
00237     }
00238     else if( nC == "@@GainmodeTcl" ) {
00239       uiMode = tcl_mode;
00240       G4cout << G4endl << "@@Version " << TVersion << G4endl;
00241       SendCommandProperties(tree);
00242       NotifyStateChange();
00243     }
00244     else if( nC(0) == '#' )
00245       { G4cout << nC << G4endl; }
00247     else if( nC == "ls"  || nC(0,3) == "ls " )
00248     { ListDirectory( nC ); }
00249     else if( nC == "pwd" )
00250     { G4cout << "Current Working Directory : " << prefix << G4endl; }
00251     else if( nC(0,2) == "cd"  || nC(0,3) == "cd " )
00252     { ChangeDirectory( nC ); }
00253     else if(  nC == "help" || nC(0,5) == "help ")
00254     { TerminalHelp( nC ); }
00255     else if( nC(0) == '?' )
00256     { ShowCurrent( nC ); }
00257     else if( nC(0,4) == "hist"   || nC == "history")
00258     {
00259       G4int nh = UI->GetNumberOfHistory();
00260       for(int i=0;i<nh;i++)
00261       { G4cout << i << ": " << UI->GetPreviousCommand(i) << G4endl; }
00262     }
00263     else if( nC(0) == '!' )
00264     {
00265       G4String ss = nC(1,nC.length()-1);
00266       G4int vl;
00267       const char* tt = ss;
00268       std::istringstream is((char*)tt);
00269       is >> vl;
00270       G4int nh = UI->GetNumberOfHistory();
00271       if(vl>=0 && vl<nh)
00272       {
00273         newCommand = UI->GetPreviousCommand(vl);
00274         G4cout << newCommand << G4endl;
00275         break;
00276       }
00277       else
00278       { G4cerr << "history " << vl << " is not found." << G4endl; }
00279     }
00280     else if( nC(0,4) == "exit" )
00281     {
00282       if( iCont )
00283       {
00284         if ( uiMode == terminal_mode){
00285           G4cerr << "You are now processing RUN." << G4endl;
00286           G4cerr << "Please abrot it using \"/run/abort\" command first" << G4endl;
00287           G4cerr << " and use \"continue\" command until the application" << G4endl;
00288           G4cerr << " becomes to Idle." << G4endl;
00289         }else{
00290           G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"You are now processing RUN.\"" << G4endl;
00291         }
00292       }
00293       else
00294       {
00295         close(socketD[1]);
00296         close(socketD[2]);
00297         iExit = false;
00298         newCommand = nullString;
00299         break;
00300       }
00301     }
00302     else if(  nC == "cont" || nC == "continue" )
00303     {
00304       iCont = false;
00305       newCommand = nullString;
00306       break;
00307     }
00308     else
00309     { break; }
00310   }
00311   return GetFullPath(newCommand);
00312 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4UIGainServer::GetFullPath G4String   )  [private]

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

G4bool G4UIGainServer::GetHelpChoice G4int &  aInt  )  [private, virtual]

Implements G4VBasicShell.

Definition at line 349 of file

00351 {
00352     G4cin >> aInt;
00353     if(!G4cin.good()){
00354         G4cin.clear();
00355         G4cin.ignore(30,'\n');
00356         return FALSE;
00357     }
00358     return TRUE;
00359 }

void G4UIGainServer::GetNewTreeStructure G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::GetNewTreeValues G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::ListDirectory G4String   )  [private]

Reimplemented from G4VBasicShell.

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

G4String G4UIGainServer::ModifyPrefix G4String   )  [private]

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::NotifyCommandUpdate void   )  [private]

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::NotifyParameterUpdate G4UIcommand *   )  [private]

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::NotifyStateChange void   )  [private]

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::PauseSessionStart G4String  msg  )  [virtual]

Implements G4VBasicShell.

Definition at line 114 of file

References buf, ExecuteCommand(), GetCommand(), iCont, promptCharacter, and socketD.

00116 {
00117     promptCharacter = msg;
00118     G4cout<<"@@PROMPT \""<<promptCharacter<<"\""<<G4endl;
00120     iCont= TRUE;
00122     G4String newCommand= GetCommand();
00123     while(iCont){
00124       ExecuteCommand(newCommand);
00125       newCommand= GetCommand();
00126       strcpy(buf,"nowIdle");
00127       write(socketD[1],buf,strlen(buf));
00128     }
00129 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UIGainServer::Prompt G4String   ) 

G4int G4UIGainServer::ReceiveG4cerr G4String  cerrString  ) 

Definition at line 334 of file

References socketD.

00336 {
00337     if(socketD[2]>0){
00338         write(socketD[2],cerrString,cerrString.length());
00339     }
00340     return 0;
00344   //std::cerr << cerrString << std::flush;
00345   //return 0;
00346 }

G4int G4UIGainServer::ReceiveG4cout G4String  coutString  ) 

Definition at line 315 of file

References socketD.

00317 {
00318     if(socketD[1]>0){
00319         write(socketD[1],coutString,coutString.length());
00320     }
00321     return 0;
00329   //std::cout << coutString << std::flush;
00330   //return 0;
00331 }

void G4UIGainServer::SendAParamProperty G4UIcommand *   )  [private]

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::SendATclParamProperty G4UIcommand *   )  [private]

void G4UIGainServer::SendCommandProperties G4UIcommandTree *   )  [private]

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::SendDisableList G4UIcommandTree *  ,
int  recursiveLevel

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::SendParameterProperties G4UIcommandTree *   )  [private]

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

G4UIsession * G4UIGainServer::SessionStart  )  [virtual]

Implements G4VBasicShell.

Definition at line 95 of file

References ExecuteCommand(), GetCommand(), iExit, promptCharacter, and WaitingConnection().

00097 {
00098     G4String newCommand;
00100     G4StateManager* statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
00101     promptCharacter = statM->GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState());
00103     iExit= TRUE;
00105     WaitingConnection();
00106     while(iExit){
00107         newCommand= GetCommand();
00108         ExecuteCommand(newCommand);
00109     }
00110     return NULL;
00111 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UIGainServer::SessionTerminate  ) 

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

bool G4UIGainServer::SetUPServer  )  [private]

Definition at line 370 of file

References port, saddr, and socketD.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer().

00370                                 {
00373     socketD[0] = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
00375     if(socketD[0]<0){
00376         perror("server:socket");
00377         return (false);
00378         //exit(1);
00379     }
00381     memset( (char *)&saddr,'\0',sizeof(saddr)) ;
00383     saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
00384     saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
00385     saddr.sin_port = htons(port);
00386     unlink(SOCK_NAME);    
00388     if(bind(socketD[0] , (struct sockaddr *)&saddr , sizeof(saddr))<0){
00389         perror("bind");
00390         return (false);
00391         //exit(1);
00392     }
00393     else{ G4cout<<"G4GainServer waiting at "<<port<<G4endl; }
00395     if(listen(socketD[0],1)<0){
00396         perror("listen");
00397         return (false);
00398         //exit(1);
00399     }
00401     return (true);
00402 }

void G4UIGainServer::ShowCurrent G4String   )  [private]

Reimplemented from G4VBasicShell.

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::TerminalHelp G4String   )  [private]

Reimplemented from G4VBasicShell.

Referenced by GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::UpdateParamVal void   )  [private]

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::UpdateState void   )  [private]

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

void G4UIGainServer::WaitingConnection  )  [private]

Definition at line 405 of file

References added, addedAndDeleted, caddr, ChangeDirectory(), CodeGenJavaParams(), CodeGenJavaTree(), CommandUpdated(), deleted, FindDirPath(), GetFullPath(), GetNewTreeStructure(), GetNewTreeValues(), java_mode, len, ListDirectory(), ModifyPrefix(), newTreeCommands, newTreeParams, newTreePCP, notChanged, NotifyCommandUpdate(), NotifyParameterUpdate(), NotifyStateChange(), prefix, previousTreeCommands, previousTreeParams, SendAParamProperty(), SendCommandProperties(), SendDisableList(), SendParameterProperties(), SessionTerminate(), ShowCurrent(), socketD, terminal_mode, TerminalHelp(), UI, uiMode, UpdateParamVal(), and UpdateState().

Referenced by SessionStart().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

char G4UIGainServer::buf[1024] [private]

Definition at line 88 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by GetCommand(), and PauseSessionStart().

struct sockaddr_in G4UIGainServer::caddr [private]

Definition at line 85 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

G4bool G4UIGainServer::iCont [private]

Definition at line 79 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), and PauseSessionStart().

G4bool G4UIGainServer::iExit [private]

Definition at line 78 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), and SessionStart().

G4String G4UIGainServer::JVersion [private]

Definition at line 71 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), and GetCommand().

int G4UIGainServer::len [private]

Definition at line 86 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4String> G4UIGainServer::newTreeCommands [private]

Definition at line 95 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4String> G4UIGainServer::newTreeParams [private]

Definition at line 97 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4UIcommand*> G4UIGainServer::newTreePCP [private]

Definition at line 99 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

int G4UIGainServer::port [private]

Definition at line 83 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), and SetUPServer().

G4String G4UIGainServer::prefix [private]

Definition at line 67 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4String> G4UIGainServer::previousTreeCommands [private]

Definition at line 94 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4String> G4UIGainServer::previousTreeParams [private]

Definition at line 96 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), and WaitingConnection().

std::vector<G4UIcommand*> G4UIGainServer::previousTreePCP [private]

Definition at line 98 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), and G4UIGainServer().

G4String G4UIGainServer::promptCharacter [private]

Definition at line 68 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), PauseSessionStart(), and SessionStart().

int G4UIGainServer::ret [private]

Definition at line 87 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

struct sockaddr_in G4UIGainServer::saddr [private]

Definition at line 84 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by SetUPServer().

int G4UIGainServer::socketD[3] [private]

Definition at line 82 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by GetCommand(), PauseSessionStart(), ReceiveG4cerr(), ReceiveG4cout(), SetUPServer(), and WaitingConnection().

G4String G4UIGainServer::TVersion [private]

Definition at line 72 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by G4UIGainServer(), and GetCommand().

G4UImanager* G4UIGainServer::UI [private]

Definition at line 69 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), WaitingConnection(), and ~G4UIGainServer().

UImode G4UIGainServer::uiMode [private]

Definition at line 70 of file G4UIGainServer.hh.

Referenced by ExecuteCommand(), G4UIGainServer(), GetCommand(), and WaitingConnection().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Fri Jun 22 11:07:23 2007 by doxygen 1.3.4