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G4UItcsh Class Reference

#include <G4UItcsh.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4UItcsh:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for G4UItcsh:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 G4UItcsh (const G4String &prompt="%s >", G4int maxhist=100)
 ~G4UItcsh ()
void SetLsColor (TermColorIndex dirColor, TermColorIndex cmdColor)
virtual G4String GetCommandLine (const char *msg=0)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void MakePrompt (const char *msg=0)
G4bool IsCursorLast () const
void InitializeCommandLine ()
G4String ReadLine ()
void InsertCharacter (char cc)
void BackspaceCharacter ()
void DeleteCharacter ()
void ClearLine ()
void ClearAfterCursor ()
void ClearScreen ()
void ForwardCursor ()
void BackwardCursor ()
void MoveCursorTop ()
void MoveCursorEnd ()
void NextCommand ()
void PreviousCommand ()
void ListMatchedCommand ()
void CompleteCommand ()
G4String GetFirstMatchedString (const G4String &str1, const G4String &str2) const
void StoreHistory (G4String aCommand)
G4String RestoreHistory (G4int index)
void SetTermToInputMode ()
void RestoreTerm ()

Protected Attributes

G4String commandLine
G4int cursorPosition
G4String commandLineBuf
std::vector< G4String > commandHistory
G4int maxHistory
G4int currentHistoryNo
G4int relativeHistoryIndex
termios tios
G4String clearString

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4UItcsh::G4UItcsh const G4String &  prompt = "%s >",
G4int  maxhist = 100

Definition at line 62 of file

References tios.

00063   : G4VUIshell(prompt),
00064     commandLine(""), cursorPosition(1),
00065     commandHistory(maxhist), maxHistory(maxhist),
00066     currentHistoryNo(1), relativeHistoryIndex(0)
00068 {  
00069   // get current terminal mode
00070   tcgetattr(0, &tios);
00071 }

G4UItcsh::~G4UItcsh  ) 

Definition at line 74 of file

00076 {
00077 }

Member Function Documentation

void G4UItcsh::BackspaceCharacter  )  [protected]

Definition at line 168 of file

References AsciiBS, commandLine, cursorPosition, and IsCursorLast().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00170 {
00171   if(cursorPosition==1) return;
00173   // display...
00174   if(IsCursorLast()) {  
00175     G4cout << AsciiBS << ' ' << AsciiBS << std::flush;
00176   } else { 
00177     G4cout << AsciiBS;
00178     size_t i;
00179     for(i=cursorPosition-2; i< commandLine.length()-1 ;i++){
00180       G4cout << commandLine[i+1];
00181     }
00182     G4cout << ' ';
00183     for(i=cursorPosition-2; i< commandLine.length() ;i++){
00184       G4cout << AsciiBS;
00185     }
00186     G4cout << std::flush;
00187   }
00189   // command line string...
00190   commandLine.erase(cursorPosition-2, 1);
00192   cursorPosition--;
00193 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::BackwardCursor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 274 of file

References AsciiBS, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by ReadLine().

00276 {
00277   if(cursorPosition==1) return;
00279   cursorPosition--;
00280   G4cout << AsciiBS << std::flush;
00281 }

void G4UItcsh::ClearAfterCursor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 233 of file

References AsciiBS, commandLine, cursorPosition, and IsCursorLast().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00235 {
00236   if(IsCursorLast()) return;
00238   // display...
00239   G4int i;
00240   for(i=cursorPosition; i<=G4int(commandLine.length()); i++) G4cout << ' ';
00241   for(i=commandLine.length(); i>=cursorPosition; i--) G4cout << AsciiBS;
00242   G4cout << std::flush;
00244   // command line string...
00245   commandLine.erase(cursorPosition-1, 
00246                     commandLine.length()-cursorPosition+1);
00247 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::ClearLine  )  [protected]

Definition at line 217 of file

References AsciiBS, commandLine, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

00219 {
00220   // display...
00221   G4int i;
00222   for(i= cursorPosition; i>=2; i--) G4cout << AsciiBS;
00223   for(i=1; i<=G4int(commandLine.length()); i++) G4cout << ' ';
00224   for(i=1; i<=G4int(commandLine.length()); i++) G4cout << AsciiBS;
00225   G4cout << std::flush;
00227   // command line string...
00228   commandLine.erase();
00229   cursorPosition= 1;
00230 }

void G4UItcsh::ClearScreen  )  [protected]

Definition at line 250 of file

References AsciiBS, clearString, commandLine, cursorPosition, and G4VUIshell::promptString.

00252 {
00253   if(! clearString.empty() ) {
00254     G4cout << clearString;
00256     G4cout << promptString << commandLine << std::flush;
00257     // reset cursur position
00258     for(G4int i=commandLine.length()+1; i>=cursorPosition+1; i--) 
00259       G4cout << AsciiBS << std::flush;
00260   }
00261 }

void G4UItcsh::CompleteCommand  )  [protected]

Definition at line 385 of file

References AsciiBS, commandLine, G4VUIshell::currentCommandDir, cursorPosition, G4VUIshell::GetAbsCommandDirPath(), G4VUIshell::GetCommandPathTail(), G4VUIshell::GetCommandTree(), and GetFirstMatchedString().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00387 {
00388   // inputting string
00389   G4String input= G4String(commandLine).strip(G4String::leading);
00390   // target token is last token
00391   G4int jhead= input.last(' ');
00392   if(jhead != G4int(G4String::npos)) {
00393     input.remove(0, jhead);
00394     input= input.strip(G4String::leading);
00395   }
00397   // command tree of "user specified directory"  
00398   G4String vpath= currentCommandDir;
00399   G4String vcmd;
00401   G4int len= input.length();
00402   if(!input.empty()) {
00403     G4int indx= -1;
00404     for(G4int i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
00405       if(input(i)=='/') {
00406         indx= i;
00407         break;
00408       }   
00409     }
00410     // get abs. path
00411     if(indx != -1) vpath= GetAbsCommandDirPath(input(0,indx+1));  
00412     if(!(indx==0  && len==1)) vcmd= input(indx+1,len-indx-1);  // care for "/"
00413   }
00415   G4UIcommandTree* atree= GetCommandTree(vpath);  // get command tree
00416   if(atree == NULL) return;
00418   // list matched directories/commands
00419   G4String stream, strtmp;
00420   G4String inputpath= vpath+vcmd;
00421   G4int nMatch= 0;
00423   int Ndir= atree-> GetTreeEntry();
00424   int Ncmd= atree-> GetCommandEntry();
00426   // directory ...
00427   for(G4int idir=1; idir<=Ndir; idir++) {
00428     G4String fpdir= atree-> GetTree(idir)-> GetPathName();
00429     // matching test
00430     if( fpdir.index(inputpath, 0) == 0) {
00431       if(nMatch==0) {
00432         stream= GetCommandPathTail(fpdir);
00433       } else {
00434         strtmp= GetCommandPathTail(fpdir);
00435         stream= GetFirstMatchedString(stream, strtmp);
00436       }
00437       nMatch++;
00438     }
00439   }
00441   // command ...
00442   for(G4int icmd=1; icmd<=Ncmd; icmd++){
00443     G4String fpcmd= atree-> GetPathName() +
00444                     atree-> GetCommand(icmd) -> GetCommandName();
00445     // matching test
00446     if( fpcmd.index(inputpath, 0) ==0) {
00447       if(nMatch==0) {
00448         stream= GetCommandPathTail(fpcmd) + " ";
00449       } else {
00450         strtmp= GetCommandPathTail(fpcmd) + " ";
00451         stream= GetFirstMatchedString(stream, strtmp);
00452       }
00453       nMatch++;
00454     }
00455   }
00457   if(nMatch==0) return;  // no matched
00459   // display...
00460   input= commandLine;
00461   // target token is last token
00462   jhead= input.last(' ');
00463   if(jhead == G4int(G4String::npos)) jhead=0;
00464   else jhead++;
00466   G4int jt= input.find_last_of('/');
00467   if(jt<jhead) jt=G4String::npos;
00469   if(jt==G4int(G4String::npos)) jt= jhead;
00470   else jt++;
00472   G4String dspstr; 
00473   G4int i;
00474   for(i=jt; i<=G4int(input.length())-1; i++) dspstr+= G4String(AsciiBS); // cleanup
00475   for(i=jt; i<=G4int(input.length())-1; i++) dspstr+= G4String(' '); 
00476   for(i=jt; i<=G4int(input.length())-1; i++) dspstr+= G4String(AsciiBS); 
00478   dspstr+= stream;
00479   G4cout << dspstr << std::flush; 
00481   // command line string
00482   input.remove(jt);
00483   input+= stream;
00485   commandLine= input;
00486   cursorPosition= commandLine.length()+1;
00487 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::DeleteCharacter  )  [protected]

Definition at line 196 of file

References AsciiBS, commandLine, cursorPosition, and IsCursorLast().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00198 {
00199   if(IsCursorLast()) return;
00201   // display...
00202   size_t i;
00203   for(i=cursorPosition-1; i< commandLine.length()-1 ;i++){
00204     G4cout << commandLine[i+1];
00205   }
00206   G4cout << ' ';
00207   for(i=cursorPosition-1; i< commandLine.length() ;i++){
00208     G4cout << AsciiBS;
00209   }
00210   G4cout << std::flush;
00212   // command lin string...
00213   commandLine.erase(cursorPosition-1, 1);
00214 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::ForwardCursor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 264 of file

References commandLine, cursorPosition, and IsCursorLast().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00266 {
00267   if(IsCursorLast()) return;
00269   G4cout << commandLine[(size_t)(cursorPosition-1)] << std::flush;
00270   cursorPosition++;
00271 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4UItcsh::GetCommandLine const char *  msg = 0  )  [virtual]

Implements G4VUIshell.

Definition at line 595 of file

References MakePrompt(), G4VUIshell::promptString, ReadLine(), relativeHistoryIndex, RestoreTerm(), SetTermToInputMode(), and StoreHistory().

00597 {
00598   SetTermToInputMode();
00600   MakePrompt(msg); // update
00601   relativeHistoryIndex= 0;
00603   G4cout << promptString << std::flush;
00605   G4String newCommand= ReadLine();  // read line...
00606   // multi-line
00607   while( (newCommand.length() > 0) &&
00608          ( newCommand[newCommand.length()-1] == '_') ) {
00609     newCommand.remove(newCommand.length()-1);
00610     G4cout << G4endl;
00611     promptString= "? ";
00612     G4cout << promptString << std::flush;
00613     G4String newLine= ReadLine();
00614     newCommand.append(newLine);
00615   }
00617   // update history...
00618   G4bool isMeaningfull= FALSE; // check NULL command
00619   for (size_t i=0; i<newCommand.length(); i++) {
00620     if(newCommand[i] != ' ') {
00621       isMeaningfull= TRUE;
00622       break;
00623     }
00624   }
00625   if( !newCommand.empty() && isMeaningfull) StoreHistory(newCommand);
00627   // reset terminal
00628   RestoreTerm();
00630   G4cout << G4endl;
00631   return newCommand;
00632 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4UItcsh::GetFirstMatchedString const G4String &  str1,
const G4String &  str2
const [protected]

Definition at line 635 of file

Referenced by CompleteCommand().

00638 {
00639   int nlen1= str1.length();
00640   int nlen2= str2.length();
00642   int nmin = nlen1<nlen2 ? nlen1 : nlen2;
00644   G4String strMatched;
00645   for(size_t i=0; G4int(i)<nmin; i++){
00646     if(str1[i]==str2[i]) {
00647       strMatched+= str1[i];
00648     } else {
00649       break;
00650     }
00651   }
00653   return strMatched;
00654 }

void G4UItcsh::InitializeCommandLine  )  [protected]

Definition at line 136 of file

References commandLine, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by ReadLine().

00138 {
00139   commandLine= "";
00140   cursorPosition= 1;
00141 }

void G4UItcsh::InsertCharacter char  cc  )  [protected]

Definition at line 144 of file

References AsciiBS, AsciiPrintableMin, commandLine, cursorPosition, and IsCursorLast().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00146 {
00147   if( ! (cc >= AsciiPrintableMin  && isprint(cc)) ) return;
00149   // display...
00150   G4cout << cc;
00151   size_t i;
00152   for(i=cursorPosition-1; i<commandLine.length() ;i++) 
00153     G4cout << commandLine[i];
00154   for(i=cursorPosition-1; i<commandLine.length() ;i++)
00155     G4cout << AsciiBS;
00156   G4cout << std::flush;
00158   // command line string...
00159   if(IsCursorLast()) {  // add
00160     commandLine+= cc;
00161   } else { // insert
00162     commandLine.insert(cursorPosition-1, G4String(cc));
00163   }
00164   cursorPosition++;
00165 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4bool G4UItcsh::IsCursorLast  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 129 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

References commandLine, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by BackspaceCharacter(), ClearAfterCursor(), DeleteCharacter(), ForwardCursor(), InsertCharacter(), and ReadLine().

00130 {
00131   if(cursorPosition == G4int(commandLine.length()+1)) return TRUE;
00132   else return FALSE;
00133 }

void G4UItcsh::ListMatchedCommand  )  [protected]

Definition at line 346 of file

References commandLine, G4VUIshell::currentCommandDir, G4VUIshell::GetAbsCommandDirPath(), G4VUIshell::ListCommand(), and G4VUIshell::promptString.

Referenced by ReadLine().

00348 {
00349   G4cout << G4endl;
00351   // input string
00352   G4String input= G4String(commandLine).strip(G4String::leading);
00353   // target token is last token
00354   G4int jhead= input.last(' ');
00355   if(jhead != G4int(G4String::npos)) {
00356     input.remove(0, jhead);
00357     input= input.strip(G4String::leading);
00358   }
00360   // command tree of "user specified directory"
00361   G4String vpath= currentCommandDir;
00362   G4String vcmd;
00364   if( !input.empty() ) {
00365     G4int len= input.length();
00366     G4int indx=-1;
00367     for(G4int i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
00368       if(input[(size_t)i]=='/') {
00369         indx= i;
00370         break;
00371       }   
00372     }
00373     // get abs. path
00374     if(indx != -1) vpath= GetAbsCommandDirPath(input(0,indx+1));  
00375     if(!(indx==0  && len==1)) vcmd= input(indx+1,len-indx-1);  // care for "/"
00376   }
00378   // list matched dirs/commands
00379   ListCommand(vpath, vpath+vcmd);
00381   G4cout << promptString << commandLine << std::flush;
00382 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::MakePrompt const char *  msg = 0  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from G4VUIshell.

Definition at line 80 of file

References G4VUIshell::currentCommandDir, currentHistoryNo, G4VUIshell::promptSetting, and G4VUIshell::promptString.

Referenced by GetCommandLine().

00082 {
00083   if(promptSetting.length()<=1) {
00084     promptString= promptSetting;
00085     return;
00086   }
00088   promptString="";
00089   size_t i;
00090   for(i=0; i<promptSetting.length()-1; i++){
00091     if(promptSetting[i]=='%'){
00092       switch (promptSetting[i+1]) {
00093       case 's':  // current application status
00094         {
00095           G4String stateStr;
00096           if(msg)
00097           { stateStr = msg; }
00098           else
00099           {
00100             G4StateManager* statM= G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
00101             stateStr= statM-> GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState());
00102           }
00103           promptString.append(stateStr);
00104           i++;
00105         }
00106         break;
00107       case '/':  // current working directory
00108         promptString.append(currentCommandDir);
00109         i++;
00110         break;
00111       case 'h':  // history#
00112         {
00113         std::ostringstream os;
00114         os << currentHistoryNo;
00115         promptString.append(os.str());
00116         i++;
00117         }
00118         break;
00119       default:
00120         break;
00121       } 
00122     } else {
00123       promptString.append(G4String(promptSetting[i]));
00124     }
00125   }
00127   // append last chaacter
00128   if(i == promptSetting.length()-1) 
00129     promptString.append(G4String(promptSetting[i]));
00130 }

void G4UItcsh::MoveCursorEnd  )  [protected]

Definition at line 295 of file

References commandLine, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by ReadLine().

00297 {
00298   for(size_t i=cursorPosition-1; i<commandLine.length(); i++){
00299     G4cout << commandLine[i];
00300   }
00301   G4cout << std::flush;
00302   cursorPosition=commandLine.length()+1;
00303 }

void G4UItcsh::MoveCursorTop  )  [protected]

Definition at line 284 of file

References AsciiBS, and cursorPosition.

Referenced by ReadLine().

00286 {
00287   for(G4int i=cursorPosition; i>1; i--){
00288     G4cout << AsciiBS;
00289   }
00290   G4cout << std::flush;
00291   cursorPosition=1;
00292 }

void G4UItcsh::NextCommand  )  [protected]

Definition at line 326 of file

References ClearLine(), commandLine, commandLineBuf, currentHistoryNo, cursorPosition, maxHistory, relativeHistoryIndex, and RestoreHistory().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00328 {  
00329   G4int nhmax= currentHistoryNo-1 >= maxHistory ? 
00330                  maxHistory : currentHistoryNo-1;
00332   if(relativeHistoryIndex>=-nhmax && relativeHistoryIndex<=-1) {
00333     ClearLine();
00334     relativeHistoryIndex++;
00336     if(relativeHistoryIndex==0) commandLine= commandLineBuf;
00337     else commandLine= RestoreHistory(currentHistoryNo+relativeHistoryIndex);
00339     G4cout << commandLine << std::flush;      
00340     cursorPosition= commandLine.length()+1;
00341   }
00342 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4UItcsh::PreviousCommand  )  [protected]

Definition at line 306 of file

References ClearLine(), commandLine, commandLineBuf, currentHistoryNo, cursorPosition, maxHistory, relativeHistoryIndex, and RestoreHistory().

Referenced by ReadLine().

00308 {
00309   G4int nhmax= currentHistoryNo-1 >= maxHistory ? 
00310                  maxHistory : currentHistoryNo-1;
00312   // retain current input
00313   if(relativeHistoryIndex==0) commandLineBuf= commandLine;
00315   if(relativeHistoryIndex>=-nhmax+1 && relativeHistoryIndex<=0) {
00316     ClearLine();
00317     relativeHistoryIndex--;
00318     commandLine= RestoreHistory(currentHistoryNo+relativeHistoryIndex);
00320     G4cout << commandLine << std::flush;
00321     cursorPosition= commandLine.length()+1;
00322   }
00323 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4UItcsh::ReadLine  )  [protected]

Definition at line 494 of file

References AsciiBS, AsciiCtrA, AsciiCtrB, AsciiCtrC, AsciiCtrD, AsciiCtrE, AsciiCtrF, AsciiCtrK, AsciiCtrL, AsciiCtrN, AsciiCtrP, AsciiCtrQ, AsciiCtrS, AsciiCtrZ, AsciiDEL, AsciiESC, AsciiTAB, BackspaceCharacter(), BackwardCursor(), ClearAfterCursor(), commandLine, CompleteCommand(), DeleteCharacter(), ForwardCursor(), InitializeCommandLine(), InsertCharacter(), IsCursorLast(), ListMatchedCommand(), MoveCursorEnd(), MoveCursorTop(), NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

Referenced by GetCommandLine().

00496 {
00497   InitializeCommandLine();
00499   char cc;
00500   do{  // input loop
00501     G4cin.get(cc);
00503     // treatment for special character
00504     switch(cc){
00505     case AsciiCtrA:       // ... move cursor to the top
00506       MoveCursorTop();
00507       break;
00508     case AsciiCtrB:       // ... backward cursor
00509       BackwardCursor();
00510       break;
00511     case AsciiCtrD:       // ... delete/exit/show matched list
00512       if(commandLine.length()!=0 && IsCursorLast()) ListMatchedCommand();
00513       else if (commandLine.empty()) {
00514         G4cout << G4endl;
00515         exit(0);
00516       } else DeleteCharacter();
00517       break;
00518     case AsciiCtrE:       // ... move cursor to the end
00519       MoveCursorEnd();
00520       break;
00521     case AsciiCtrF:       // ... forward cursor
00522       ForwardCursor();
00523       break;
00524     case AsciiCtrK:       // ... clear after the cursor
00525       ClearAfterCursor();
00526       break;
00527     case AsciiCtrL:       // ... clear screen
00528       // ClearScreen();
00529       break;
00530     case AsciiCtrN:     // ... next command
00531       NextCommand();
00532       break;
00533     case AsciiCtrP:     // ... previous command
00534       PreviousCommand();
00535       break;
00536     case AsciiTAB:         // ... command completion
00537       if( (!commandLine.empty()) && IsCursorLast()) CompleteCommand();
00538       break;
00539     case AsciiDEL:         // ... backspace
00540       BackspaceCharacter();
00541       break;
00542     case AsciiBS:          // ... backspace
00543       BackspaceCharacter();
00544       break;
00545     case AsciiCtrC:       // ... kill prompt
00546       break;
00547     case AsciiCtrQ:       // ... restarts suspeded output
00548       break;
00549     case AsciiCtrS:       // ... suspend output
00550       break;
00551     case AsciiCtrZ:       // ... suspend
00552       break;
00553     default:
00554       break;
00555     }
00557     // treatment for ESC. character
00558     if( cc == AsciiESC) { // ESC
00559       G4cin.get(cc);
00560       if (cc == '[' || 'O') { // care for another termcap, such as konsole
00561         G4cin.get(cc);
00562         switch(cc) {
00563         case 'A': // [UP]
00564           cc = 'P' - '@';
00565           PreviousCommand();  // ... show previous commad
00566           break;
00567         case 'B': // [DOWN]
00568           cc = 'N' - '@';
00569           NextCommand();  // ... show next commad
00570           break;
00571         case 'C': // [RIGHT]
00572           cc = 'F' - '@';
00573           ForwardCursor();   // ... forward cursor
00574           break;
00575         case 'D': // [LEFT]
00576           cc = 'B' - '@';
00577           BackwardCursor();      // ... backward cursor
00578           break;
00579         default:  // who knows !?
00580           cc = 0;
00581           break;
00582         }
00583       }
00584     }
00586     // insert character to command line and display
00587     InsertCharacter(cc);
00589   } while( cc != '\n');
00591   return commandLine;
00592 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4UItcsh::RestoreHistory G4int  index  )  [protected]

Definition at line 671 of file

References commandHistory, currentHistoryNo, and maxHistory.

Referenced by NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

00673 {
00674   if(histNo>= currentHistoryNo) return "";
00676   G4int index= histNo%maxHistory;
00677   if(index==0) index= maxHistory;
00679   return commandHistory[index-1]; // 0-offset
00680 }

void G4UItcsh::RestoreTerm  )  [protected]

Definition at line 702 of file

References tios.

Referenced by GetCommandLine().

00704 {
00705   tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &tios);
00706 }  

void G4UItcsh::SetLsColor TermColorIndex  dirColor,
TermColorIndex  cmdColor

Definition at line 135 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

References G4VUIshell::commandColor, G4VUIshell::directoryColor, and G4VUIshell::lsColorFlag.

00137 {
00138   lsColorFlag= TRUE;
00139   directoryColor= dirColor;
00140   commandColor= cmdColor;
00141 }

void G4UItcsh::SetTermToInputMode  )  [protected]

Definition at line 686 of file

References tios.

Referenced by GetCommandLine().

00688 {  
00689   termios tiosbuf= tios;
00691   tiosbuf.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ISTRIP);
00692   tiosbuf.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK | IGNPAR);
00693   tiosbuf.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | IEXTEN | ECHO);
00694   tiosbuf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
00695   tiosbuf.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
00697   tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &tiosbuf);
00698 }

void G4UItcsh::StoreHistory G4String  aCommand  )  [protected]

Definition at line 660 of file

References commandHistory, currentHistoryNo, and maxHistory.

Referenced by GetCommandLine().

00662 {
00663   G4int i= currentHistoryNo%maxHistory; 
00664   if(i==0) i=maxHistory;
00666   commandHistory[i-1]= aCommand;  // 0-offset
00667   currentHistoryNo++;
00668 }

Member Data Documentation

G4String G4UItcsh::clearString [protected]

Definition at line 117 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by ClearScreen().

std::vector<G4String> G4UItcsh::commandHistory [protected]

Definition at line 106 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by RestoreHistory(), and StoreHistory().

G4String G4UItcsh::commandLine [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by BackspaceCharacter(), ClearAfterCursor(), ClearLine(), ClearScreen(), CompleteCommand(), DeleteCharacter(), ForwardCursor(), InitializeCommandLine(), InsertCharacter(), IsCursorLast(), ListMatchedCommand(), MoveCursorEnd(), NextCommand(), PreviousCommand(), and ReadLine().

G4String G4UItcsh::commandLineBuf [protected]

Definition at line 77 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

G4int G4UItcsh::currentHistoryNo [protected]

Definition at line 108 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by MakePrompt(), NextCommand(), PreviousCommand(), RestoreHistory(), and StoreHistory().

G4int G4UItcsh::cursorPosition [protected]

Definition at line 76 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by BackspaceCharacter(), BackwardCursor(), ClearAfterCursor(), ClearLine(), ClearScreen(), CompleteCommand(), DeleteCharacter(), ForwardCursor(), InitializeCommandLine(), InsertCharacter(), IsCursorLast(), MoveCursorEnd(), MoveCursorTop(), NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

G4int G4UItcsh::maxHistory [protected]

Definition at line 107 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by NextCommand(), PreviousCommand(), RestoreHistory(), and StoreHistory().

G4int G4UItcsh::relativeHistoryIndex [protected]

Definition at line 109 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by GetCommandLine(), NextCommand(), and PreviousCommand().

termios G4UItcsh::tios [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file G4UItcsh.hh.

Referenced by G4UItcsh(), RestoreTerm(), and SetTermToInputMode().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Fri Jun 22 11:07:33 2007 by doxygen 1.3.4