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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#16 rita.demasi@… fixed format of GuineaPig output files

I would like to study the background coming from other sources than pairs production in the ILC, especially the beamstrahlung photons and the outcoming beams, to see if their interaction with elements along the beam can create secondaries hitting the vertex detector.

I have produced the corresponding output files with GuineaPig, but their format is different from the one of pairs.dat and I am puzzled.

On the GuineaPig manual at I read: Beam output files:

  1. The energy of the Mparticle in GeV
  2. x position at the intersection plane in micron
  3. y position at the intersection plane in micron
  4. z position within the bunch in micron
  5. the angle in x, x', in microradian
  6. the angle in y, y', in microradian.

I guess that the intersection plane is such that z=0, thus I can assume as vertex for the event x y 0, but I do not know what to do with the angles in x, x' and y, y'.

A similar format is in case of the beamstrahlung photon output file.

I would be grateful for any suggestion you may have, I feel quite lost...

Could you, please, also confirm me that the unity of the vertex position in pairs.dat are nanometers? And why the z-position of the vertex is ~ +-1, which correspond to ~ 3 times the length of the bunch?

Thank you,


#2 /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Guy Le Meur/emailAddress=lemeur@… Nigel.Watson@… fixed Implementation of minijets


I have downloaded and used the guineapig++ as distributed and find it works, and the documentation is improving, especially the tables on the in2p3 web pages which include description of units for input parameters.

Would it be possible to implement the minijet production in the near future? I am starting to use guineapig to study backgrounds for the ECAL in LDC initially, but so far have to use the C version.

#3 touze@… /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Guy Le Meur/emailAddress=lemeur@… wontfix essai


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