
Version 11 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Guy Le Meur/emailAddress=lemeur@…, 16 years ago) (diff)


Output files formats

beam files :

Two files beam1.dat and beam2.dat are produced containing the particles of the first and second beam respectively, after the beam-beam collision. The number of particles contained in those files corresponds to the number of macro-particles used for the simulation. To produce those files the switch store_beam=1 is needed.

beamstrahlung photon files : photon.dat

A file photon.dat contains the beamstrahlung photons after the interaction. The number of photons contained in this file corresponds to the number of macro-particles used for the simulation. One has to renormalized this number with the real number of particles. To produce this file the switches do_photons=1 and store_photons=1 are needed.

pairs, Compton file :

A file secondaries.dat is produced containing the secondary particles coming from incoherent pair creation or from compton scattering.

To produce this file the switches do_pairs=1 or (exclusive) do_compt=1, track_secondaries=1 and store_secondaries=1 are needed

(+ grid=7, pair_q2=2 and beam_size=1).

Luminosity files

hadrons files : hadron.dat