
Version 1 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Guy Le Meur/emailAddress=lemeur@…, 17 years ago) (diff)


release note : version guineapig++-0.5.1-b

In this version a refactoring has been made (principally for the class PARTICLE_BEAM).

  • The class HIT_MASK has been suppressed and so the output data : mask_hit_ro, mask_hit_e, mask_hit_n
  • The class attribute store_photon[3] has been renamed and redimensionned as do_photons[2] (in class SWITCHES)
  • The class PAIRS_RESULTS consists only of storing results and does not more fill the vector of pairs (that is made by the class GRID)
  • when using the integration method by fast Fourier Transform, the numbers of cells n_x and n_y MUST be powwers of 2. This is now checked and the program stops if these data are incorrect.
  • the switch (not used) distribute_electron_scatter is suppressed ( =1)
  • for the moment, the statistic distribution of the beam is supposed to be of the same type (normal...) both in x and y. The data dist_y is suppressed. The data dist_x is conserved, but, for the moment must be 0 (i.e. normal distribution).

Fast Fourier Transform : FFTW

It is now possible tu use the very efficient fast Fourier Transform library FFTW, although the local fft is yet available. The distribution is foreseen for using the locally programmed fft, without any change. It is better to use the FFTW. For that the user has to achieve following steps.

  • make sure that at FFTW is installed on the site (ONLY 2.x.x IS COMPTATIBLE CURRENTLY WITH GUINEAPIG++, not 3.x.x). This is available open source from :
  • update requirements files :

*to uncomment 3 lines in the file <some

root>/guineapig++/x.y.z-b/cmt/requirements as indicated in this file.

  • to update in <some root>/guineapig++/x.y.z-b/external/CMT_FFTW/v2.5.1/cmt/requirements, the path for include (fftw.h) and library (libfftw.a) :

macro FFTW_INCLUDE " /<your installation of fftw>/include " macro FFTW_LIB " /<your installation of fftw>/lib "

indicating the localization of your fftw.