
Version 21 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Guy Le Meur/emailAddress=lemeur@…, 18 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to the Lal GuineaPig++ project

The GuineaPig++ project

The aim of the project is to build an reliable, versatile, modular object oriented guineapig code. The expected benefit is the ability to easy implement new features and functionnalities.


  • Developpers: Guy Le Meur, François Touze
  • Contributers: Cécile Rimbault...

Technical details

The system described in this document is based uses SVN and CMT to compile libraries and executables. SVN is ubiquitous, so it's not a problem. CMT is also easy to install, but it is not usually available by default. We provide in the distribution tarball an embedded CMT version. Anyway, we still give here more informations about this product and how to install it.


The CMT development is lead by Christian Arnault and Vincent Garonne of LAL. It has been designed from the ground up to work well for physics experiments and seems to be the build system of choice for the LHC experiments (e.g. ATLAS, LHCb). It is already quite polished and represents a major step forward from the make/autoconf systems.

CMT has a very good web-site located at:

which contains extensive documentation as well as installation instructions. You can access these instructions directly from the main page, or find the directly at

The GuineaPig++ simulation group is initially using version v1r16pxxxxx (The CMT support team likes LOOONNNG version numbers). At the moment, this is not the most recently released production version, but it has been tested with our software and I recommend installing it. However, CMT has remained relatively stable since about v1r18 so if you have a different version installed, it will probably work.

Installing CMT is quite simple and well described on the website so I won't repeat the instructions. Essentially, you download the source files and then untar them in "[some root]". You then run an installation shell script, source a setup shell script, and run make.

User can connect to CMT by doing:

$ source "[some root]"/CMT/v1r16p20040901/mgr/

GuineaPig++ Installation



You could download the source kit of GuineaPig++ (this kit is complete for a local rebuild):

Versions URL
GuineaPig++v.0.1.0-b (Current beta version )

From the SVN Repository

We are using the SVN repository at:

If you are interest to get the code directly from svn, you should do the following command:

$ svn co<version> GuineaPig++

Note: In this case, you should first install CMT by yourself or check that CMT is available on your site.

Compile the software

To compile and run the software:

   > cd <some root>/CMT/v1r<nn>p<xxx>/mgr
   > ./INSTALL
   > source setup.[c]sh
   > cd .../<guineapig++>
   > cmt make or make

Enjoy this product!

Any question, remark or suggestion are welcome ! Please submit a report here