May 15, 2013, 11:19:10 AM (11 years ago)


1 edited


  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.tex

    r147 r149  
    2626$^3$ AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Univ Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France\\
    2727$^4$ Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Centre Spatial de Toulouse, France\\
    28 $^5$ Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kepler Center, University of TŸbingen, Germany\\
     28$^5$ Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kepler Center, University of TŸ\"{u}bingen, Germany\\
    2929$^6$ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany\\
    3030$^7$ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Bari, Italy\\
    4848%The abstract.
    49 \abstract{EUSO-Balloon is a pathfinder prefiguring the future fluorescence space telescope JEM-EUSO that should be installed on-board of the Internal Space Station before the end of this decade.
     49\abstract{EUSO-Balloon is a pathfinder prefiguring the future fluorescence space telescope JEM-EUSO that should be installed on-board the Internal Space Station before the end of this decade.
    5050This telescope will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, starting its flight campaign in 2014.
    51 Current technical development for JEM-EUSO are a challenge for a space project, have been implemented in EUSO-Balloon.
    52 In this article, the complete design of this instrument will be presented. It consists of an advanced modular telescope structure including a set of three Fresnel lenses having an excellent focusing capability onto its pixelized focal surface of its UV Camera. This camera is very sensitive to single photons, with 6 orders of magnitude dynamic range thanks to an adaptive gain, and fast enough to observe speed-of-light phenomena. The camera is an array of multianodes photomultipliers, which dynodes are driven by Crockoft Walton HV generators capable of switching down the gain in few microseconds to protect the photodetectors against strongly luminous events.
    53 The analog signals at anodes are digitised continuously each time window (2.5 microsecond) by an ASIC, performing two kinds of signal measurements and readout by a FPGA applying a first level trigger algorithm.
    54 The Electronics is operated by a digital processing unit comprising a CPU associated to Clocks generators board and a GPS receiver, an event filtering board based on a FPGA and an House-Keeping unit for the instrument monitoring. The CPU controls both acquisition and the data storage.
     51Current technical developments for JEM-EUSO have been implemented in EUSO-Balloon.
     52In this article, the complete design of this instrument will be presented. It consists of an advanced telescope structure, including a set of three Fresnel lenses having an excellent focusing capability onto its pixelized UV Camera. This camera is very sensitive to single photons, with 6 orders of magnitude dynamic range thanks to an adaptive gain, and fast enough to observe speed-of-light phenomena. The camera is an array of multianodes photomultipliers, whose dynodes are driven by Crockoft Walton HV  \textbf{(faut-il d\'eja donner des spécificités sur l'instrument dans l'abstract?)} generators capable of switching down the gain in few microseconds to protect the photodetectors against strongly luminous events.
     53Analog signals of the anodes are digitised continuously each time window (2.5 $\mu$s) by ASICs, performing two kinds of signal measurements and readout by a FPGA applying a first level trigger algorithm.
     54The electronics is operated by a digital processing unit comprising a CPU associated to Clocks generators board and a GPS receiver, an event filtering board based on a FPGA and an House-Keeping unit for the instrument monitoring. The CPU controls both acquisition and the data storage.
    5555This processing unit is interfaced with the CNES telemetry system to receive commands from ground and to download samples of the event or monitoring data.
    56 The whole instrument operates autonomously with a battery package that drives a series of power supply boards that deliver the required voltage to each board.
     56The whole instrument operates autonomously %with a battery package that drives a series of power supply boards that deliver the required voltage to each board.
    68 EUSO-Ballon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals on its mission are reviewed in the reference~\cite{bib:EBpath}. This instrument will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, 
     68EUSO-Balloon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals on its mission are reviewed in the reference~\cite{bib:EBpath}. This instrument will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, 
    6969to perform a series of night-flights at altitudes of 40 km, at various earth locations, lasting from a few hours to tens of hours. This program requires payload recovery after landing either in water or hard soil, and repairing after each mission. The special atmospheric environmental conditions and recovery requirements involve much precautions in the design and imply dedicated tests for the realisation of prototypes.
    9797\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tiny General parameters} } \\ \hline
    9898{\tiny Field of View }  &  {\tiny 12$^o \times $12$^o $ } \\
    99 {\tiny Aperture} & {\tiny 1.2 m $\times$ 1.2 m} \\
     99{\tiny Aperture} & {\tiny 1 m $\times$ 1 m} \\
    100100{\tiny Height} & {\tiny 2.66 m} \\
    101101{\tiny Width} & {\tiny 1.24 m (without crash pads)} \\
    133133{\tiny Readout Clock} & {\tiny 40 MHz} \\
    134134{\tiny Event dating}  & {\tiny at $\mu$s level} \\ \hline
    135 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\tiny Instrument Monitoring (microcontroler)}} \\ \hline
    136 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\tiny On/Off capability, alarms, temperature and voltage control }}\\ \hline
     135%\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\tiny Instrument Monitoring (microcontroler)}} \\ \hline
     136%\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\tiny On/Off capability, alarms, temperature and voltage control }}\\ \hline
    137137\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{{\tiny Power supply}} \\ \hline
    138138{\tiny 60 batteries cells}  & {\tiny 225 W during 24 hours, V: 28 V} \\ \hline
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