Changeset 155 in JEM-EUSO

May 16, 2013, 5:12:03 PM (11 years ago)

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  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.log

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     1This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13 (TeX Live 2012) (format=pdflatex 2012.6.30)  16 MAY 2013 17:11
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  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.tex

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    6565\keywords{JEM-EUSO, UHECR, space instrument, balloon experiment, instrumentation}
    67 \hyphenation{con-di-tions de-vo-ted a-node per-form a-nodes}
     67\hyphenation{con-di-tions de-vo-ted a-node per-form a-nodes mi-cro-se-cond practi-cally ge-ne-ra-ting in-te-gra-ting vol-ta-ge pi-xels re-la-ti-ve-ly mo-del im-po-sing no-mi-nal o-pe-rates sli-ghtly}
    74 EUSO-Balloon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals of this balloon instrument are reviewed in~\cite{bib:EBpath} and its simulation is presented in \cite{bib:EBSimulation}.
     74EUSO-Balloon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope \mbox{JEM-EUSO} ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals of this balloon instrument are reviewed in~\cite{bib:EBpath} and its simulation is presented in \cite{bib:EBSimulation}.
    7575This instrument will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, 
    7676to perform a series of night-flights at altitudes of 40 km, at various earth locations, lasting from a few hours to tens of hours. This program requires payload recovery after landing either in water or hard soil, and repairing after each mission. Special atmospheric environmental conditions and recovery requirements involve much precautions in the design and imply dedicated tests with the realisation of prototypes.
    137 \paragraph{ASICs} 36 SPACIROC~\cite{bib:ASIC} type ASICs are used to perform anode signals measurement and digitisation of the 36 MAPMTs. These ASICs have 64 channels. Their analog inputs are DC-coupled to the MAPMT anodes. They process the 64 analog signals in parallel in two modes : photoelectron counting mode, in a range from 1/3 of photoelectrons up to 100 photoelectrons, by discriminating over a programmed threshold each of the channels and integrating mode, estimating the charge from 20~pC to 200~pC, by time over threshold determination for exclusive groups of 8 anodes current sums from clusters of 8 contiguous pixels. The 64 analog channels are balanced each-other relatively by gain matching over 8-bits.
     137\paragraph{ASICs} 36 SPACIROC~\cite{bib:ASIC} type ASICs are used to perform anode signals measurement and digitisation of the 36 MAPMTs. These ASICs have 64 channels. Their analog inputs are DC-coupled to the MAPMT anodes. They process the 64 analog signals in parallel in two modes : photoelectron counting mode, in a range from 1/3 of photoelectrons up to 100 photoelectrons, by discriminating over a programmed threshold each of the channels and integrating mode, estimating the charge from 20~pC to 200~pC, by time over threshold determination for exclusive \mbox{groups} of 8 anodes current sums from clusters of 8 contiguous pixels. The 64 analog channels are balanced each-other relatively by gain matching over 8-bits.
    138138The discrimination voltage level used in the photon-counting is provided by a 10-bit DAC (Digital to Amplitude Converter).
    139 In both cases the digitisation is performed by 8-bits counters every GTU. There is no data buffering on the ASIC. The data are transferred to the FPGA each GTU under the sequencing frequency of a 40MHz clock.
     139In both cases the digitisation is performed by 8-bits counters every \mbox{GTU}. There is no data buffering on the ASIC. The data are transferred to the FPGA each GTU under the sequencing frequency of a 40MHz clock.
    141141\paragraph{Trigger} The instrument includes two trigger stages. The level 1 trigger (L1) implemented in the FPGA (Xilinks Virtex 6) of a PDM-Board (PDMB), belonging to the Front-End Electronics. The PDMB readouts the data from the 36 ASICs into its internal memory (the event buffer) each GTU to compute the L1 trigger. Its principle consists in counting an excess of signals over background in groups of 3$\times$3 pixels lasting more than a preset persistence time.
    169169Each channel of the MAPMT is characterised by its photodetection efficiency and by the gain of the phototubes.
    170170Before associating sets of 4 MAPMTs into EC, the MAPMTs are sorted according their gain. It allows to get EC with homogeneous MAPMT gain for the same HV (see~\cite{bib: PMT}).
    171 \textbf{For this, gains are initially measured with sensitive, commercial multi-channels charge converters (QDC) for a gain, being a factor three above its nominal value, for a HV around -1100~V.}
     171For this, gains have to be initially measured with sensitive, commercial multi-channels charge to digital converters imposing to work with a gain being a factor three above its nominal value (corresponding to HV around -1100~V.
    172172Once ECs are assembled, gain and detection efficiency for each channels are measured with the ASICs at nominal HV of -900~V.
    173173This operation is called the calibration.
    177177\subsection{ASIC Settings}
    178 The ASICs measure the single photoelectron spectra at nominal high voltage for each of the channels by performing S-curves (series of runs by ramping the discriminator voltage).
     178The ASICs measure the single photoelectron spectra at nominal high voltage for each of the channels by performing series of runs by ramping the discriminator voltage.
    179179Because relative gain of channels inside an EC-Unit differs slightly from one-another, the ASICs allow balancing the discrepancies between channels. This is done once the PDM is mounted and each MAPMT is associated to an ASIC. Then the nominal discriminator threshold at 1/3 of a photoelectron to apply to each ASIC is established.
    192192During the balloon flight operation, the instrument will be controlled from ground by an operator using a control program~\cite{bib:OffOnLineAna} interfaced to the TC/TM system (Telecommand and Telemetry) NOSYCA of CNES.
    193193At a given altitude reached by the balloon, a command will be issued to turn on the instrument. The HK system will turn on one by one each of the subsystems while monitoring parameters will be downloaded at ground.
    194 When every parameters look perfect, after having chosen the convenient configuration parameters for the ASICs and the triggers, the balloon operator can launch the DAQ program running on the CPU. \textbf{He will control basic run parameters, namely the background rate calculated by the PDMB. Le controleur ou le DAQ program? controler ou verifier?} Conventionally thresholds auto-adapt to the required L1-L2 rates unless the operator forces another mode of trigger settings. At any moment, the operator can shut down the instrument. This will be done when the balloon descent will be began.
     194When every parameters look perfect, after having chosen the convenient configuration parameters for the ASICs and the triggers, the balloon operator can launch the DAQ program running on the CPU. He will control basic run parameters, namely the background rate calculated by the PDMB. Conventionally thresholds auto-adapt to the required L1-L2 rates unless the operator forces another mode of trigger settings. At any moment, the operator can shut down the instrument. This will be done when the balloon descent will be began.
    206206\bibitem{bib:EUSOperf} J.H. Adams Jr. \textit{et al.} - JEM-EUSO Collaboration, Astroparticle Physics 44 (2013) 76-90
    207 \bibitem{bib:EBpath} P. von Ballmoos \textit{et al.} - EUSO-BALLOON: a pathfinder for observing UHECR's from space, this proceedings, paper 1171,
    208 \bibitem{bib:EBSimulation} T. Mernik \textit{et al.} ESAF-Simulation of the EUSO-Balloon, this proceedings, paper 875,
    209 \bibitem{bib:Optics} Manufacturing of the TA-EUSO and EUSO-Balloon lenses, this proceedings, paper 1040,
    210 \bibitem{bib:FrontEndEl}P. Barrillon \textit{et al.}, The Electronics of the EUSO-Balloon UV camera,this proceedings, paper 765,
    211 \bibitem{bib:ASIC} H. Miyamoto \textit{et al.}, Performance of the SPACIROC front-end ASIC for JEM-EUSO, this proceedings, paper 1089,
    212 \bibitem{bib:CCB} J. Bayer \textit{et al.}, Second level trigger and Cluster Control Board for the JEM-EUSO mission,this proceedings, paper 432,
    213 \bibitem{bib:Calib} P. Gorodetzky \textit{et al.}, Absolute calibrations of JEM-EUSO,this proceedings, paper 858,
    214 \bibitem{bib: PMT} C. Blaksley, Photomultiplier Tube Sorting for JEM-EUSO and EUSO-Balloon, this proceedings, paper 628,
    215 \bibitem{bib:OffOnLineAna} L.W. Piotrowski \textit{et al.}, On-line and off-line data analysis for the TA-EUSO and BALLOON-EUSO experiments, this proceedings, paper 713,
     207\bibitem{bib:EBpath} P. von Ballmoos \textit{et al.} - EUSO-BALLOON: a pathfinder for observing UHECR's from space, this proceedings, paper 1171
     208\bibitem{bib:EBSimulation} T. Mernik \textit{et al.} ESAF-Simulation of the EUSO-Balloon, this proceedings, paper 875
     209\bibitem{bib:Optics} Manufacturing of the TA-EUSO and EUSO-Balloon lenses, this proceedings, paper 1040
     210\bibitem{bib:FrontEndEl}P. Barrillon \textit{et al.}, The Electronics of the EUSO-Balloon UV camera,this proceedings, paper 765
     211\bibitem{bib:ASIC} H. Miyamoto \textit{et al.}, Performance of the SPACIROC front-end ASIC for JEM-EUSO, this proceedings, paper 1089
     212\bibitem{bib:CCB} J. Bayer \textit{et al.}, Second level trigger and Cluster Control Board for the JEM-EUSO mission,this proceedings, paper 432
     213\bibitem{bib:Calib} P. Gorodetzky \textit{et al.}, Absolute calibrations of JEM-EUSO,this proceedings, paper 858
     214\bibitem{bib: PMT} C. Blaksley, Photomultiplier Tube Sorting for JEM-EUSO and EUSO-Balloon, this proceedings, paper 628
     215\bibitem{bib:OffOnLineAna} L.W. Piotrowski \textit{et al.}, On-line and off-line data analysis for the TA-EUSO and BALLOON-EUSO experiments, this proceedings, paper 713
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