Sep 23, 2011, 10:18:17 AM (13 years ago)

analyse ON-OFF sans calibration

1 edited


  • BAORadio/AmasNancay/analyse.cc

    r523 r524  
    1010#include <stdlib.h>
    1111#include <dirent.h>
     12#include <matharr.h>
    1414// include standard c/c++
    202202  virtual int processCmd() throw(string);
     205//JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration START
     207//Process ON/OFF Raw data
     209class ProcessONOFFRawData : public ProcessBase {
     212  ProcessONOFFRawData(){}
     213  virtual ~ProcessONOFFRawData(){}
     215  virtual int processCmd() throw(string);
     217//JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration END
    205220//Process Gain
    263278  //Init process types
    264279  map<string,IProcess*> process;
     280  //JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration START
     281  process["rawOnOff"] = new ProcessONOFFRawData();
     282  //JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration END
    265283  process["dataOnOff"] = new ProcessONOFFData();
    266284  process["gain"]      = new ProcessGain();
    364382  //JEC 21/9/11 Give the input parameters START
    365   cout << " action " << action << "\n"
     383  cout << "Dump Iiitial parameters ............" << endl;
     384  cout << " action = " << action << "\n"
    366385       << " inputPath = " << inputPath << "\n"
    367386       << " outputPath = " << outputPath << "\n"
    376395       << " numcycle = " << numcycle << "\n"
    377396       << " calibrationOpt = " << calibrationOpt << endl;
     397  cout << "...................................." << endl;
    378398  //JEC 21/9/11 Give the input parameters END
    388408    }
    394411    //
    450467      throw e.what();
    451468    }
     470    //JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration START
     471//     try {
     472//       ProcessONOFFRawData* procRawdata = dynamic_cast<ProcessONOFFRawData*>(process[action]);
     473//     }
     474//     catch(exception& e){
     475//       throw e.what();
     476//     }
     477    //JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration END
    453480    try {
    543570int Usage(bool flag) {
    544571  cout << "Analyse.cc usage...." << endl;
    545   cout << "analyse  -act <action_type>: dataOnOff, gain, calib\n"
     572  cout << "analyse  -act <action_type>: dataOnOff, rawOnOff, gain, calib\n"
    546573       << "         -inPath <path for input files: default='.'>\n"
    547574       << "         -outPath <path for output files: default='.'>\n"
    620647  return rc;
     649//JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration START
    623 int ProcessONOFFData::processCmd() throw(string) {
     651int ProcessONOFFRawData::processCmd() throw(string) {
    624652  int rc = 0;
    625653  try {
    629657    throw s;
    630658  }
    631    if(debuglev_>0)cout << "Process Data" << endl;
     659  if(debuglev_>0)cout << "Process Raw Data ON OFF" << endl;
    632660  vector<string> modeList;
    633661  modeList.push_back("On");
    641669  //Process to get sucessively
    642670  //Raw Spectra,
    643   //BAO Calibrated Spectra
    644   //and RT Calibrated Spectra
    645671  //The pocesses are separated to allow intermediate save of results
    665691    //
    666692    for (sa_size_t icycle = ifirstCycle_; icycle <= ilastCycle_; icycle++) {
    667       //TOBE FIXED      directoryName = "./" + sourceName_ + "/"+ dateOfRun_ + StringToLower(sourceName_) + "/" +mode + "/";
    668693      directoryName = "./" + mode + "/";
    669694      stringstream sicycle;
    697722    cout << "Save mean raw spectra" << endl;
    698723    string fileName;
     724    fileName = "./dataRaw_" + dateOfRun_ + "_" + StringToLower(sourceName_) + ".ppf";
     726    POutPersist fos(fileName);
     727    id=0;
     728    iSpectreEnd = spectreCollect.end();
     729    for (iSpectre = spectreCollect.begin();
     730         iSpectre != iSpectreEnd ; ++iSpectre, ++id) {
     731      tag = "specRaw";
     732      tag += (iSpectre->first).first;
     733      stringstream sid;
     734      sid << (iSpectre->first).second;
     735      tag += sid.str();
     736      if(debuglev_>9) {
     737        cout << "save tag<" << tag << ">" << endl;
     738      }
     739      fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << iSpectre->second;
     740    }
     741  }//end of save fits
     744  //------------------------------------------
     745  // Perform ON-OFF
     746  //------------------------------------------
     748  map< sa_size_t, TMatrix<r_4> > diffCollect;
     749  map< sa_size_t, TMatrix<r_4> >::iterator iDiff, iDiffEnd;
     751  TMatrix<r_4> diffMeanOnOff(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,NUMBER_OF_FREQ); //init zero
     752  r_4 nCycles = 0;
     753  for (sa_size_t icycle = ifirstCycle_; icycle <= ilastCycle_; icycle++) {
     754    nCycles++;
     755    TMatrix<r_4> specmtxOn(spectreCollect[make_pair(modeList[0],icycle)],false); //clone the memory
     756    TMatrix<r_4> specmtxOff(spectreCollect[make_pair(modeList[1],icycle)],false); //clone the memory
     757    TMatrix<r_4> diffOnOff = specmtxOn - specmtxOff;
     758    diffCollect.insert(pair< sa_size_t,TMatrix<r_4> >(icycle,TMatrix<r_4>(diffOnOff,false) ));
     759    diffMeanOnOff += diffOnOff;
     760  }//end loop on cycle
     761  if(nCycles>0) diffMeanOnOff/=nCycles;
     763  //exctract channels and do the mean
     764  TVector<r_4> meanOfChan(NUMBER_OF_FREQ); //implicitly init to 0
     765  for (sa_size_t iCh=0; iCh<NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ++iCh) {
     766    meanOfChan += diffMeanOnOff.Row(iCh).Transpose();
     767  }
     768  meanOfChan /= (r_4)NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS;
     772  {//save diff ON-OFF on Raw data
     773    if(debuglev_>0)cout << "save ON-OFF RAW spectra" << endl;
     774    string fileName;
     775    fileName = "./diffOnOffRaw_" + dateOfRun_ + "_" + StringToLower(sourceName_) + ".ppf";
     776    POutPersist fos(fileName);
     777    iDiffEnd = diffCollect.end();
     778    id = 0;
     780    //JEC 22/9/11 Mean & Sigma in 32-bins size START
     781    sa_size_t nSliceFreq = 32; //TODO: put as an input parameter option ?
     782    sa_size_t deltaFreq = NUMBER_OF_FREQ/nSliceFreq;
     783    //JEC 22/9/11 Mean & Sigma in 32-bins size END
     785    for (iDiff = diffCollect.begin();iDiff != iDiffEnd ; ++iDiff, id++) {
     786      tag = "specONOFFRaw";
     787      stringstream sid;
     788      sid << iDiff->first;
     789      tag += sid.str();
     790      fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << iDiff->second;
     792      //JEC 22/9/11 Mean & Sigma in 32-bins size START
     793      if (debuglev_>9) {
     794        cout << "Debug slicing: slice/delta " << nSliceFreq << " " << deltaFreq << endl;
     795      }
     796      TMatrix<r_4> reducedMeanDiffOnOff(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,nSliceFreq); //init 0 by default
     797      TMatrix<r_4> reducedSigmaDiffOnOff(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,nSliceFreq); //init 0 by default
     798      for (sa_size_t iSlice=0; iSlice<nSliceFreq; iSlice++){
     799        sa_size_t freqLow= iSlice*deltaFreq;
     800        sa_size_t freqHigh= freqLow + deltaFreq -1;
     801        if (debuglev_>9) {
     802          cout << "Debug .......... slicing ["<< iSlice << "]: low/high freq" << freqLow << "/" << freqHigh << endl;
     803        }
     804        for (sa_size_t iCh=0; iCh<NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ++iCh){
     805          if (debuglev_>9) {
     806            cout << "Debug .......... Channel " << iCh;
     807          }
     808          TVector<r_4> reducedRow;
     809          reducedRow = (iDiff->second).SubMatrix(Range(iCh),Range(freqLow,freqHigh)).CompactAllDimensions();
     810          double mean;
     811          double sigma;
     812          MeanSigma(reducedRow,mean,sigma);
     813          if (debuglev_>9) {
     814            cout << "mean/signa " << mean << "/" << sigma << endl;
     815          }
     816          reducedMeanDiffOnOff(iCh,iSlice) = mean;
     817          reducedSigmaDiffOnOff(iCh,iSlice) = sigma;
     818        }//loop on Channel
     819      }//loop on Freq. slice
     820      tag = "redMeanONOFFRaw";
     821      tag += sid.str();
     822      fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << reducedMeanDiffOnOff;
     823      tag = "redSigmaONOFFRaw";
     824      tag += sid.str();
     825      fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << reducedSigmaDiffOnOff;
     826      //JEC 22/9/11 END
     828    }//loop on ON-OFF spectre
     829    //save the mean also
     830    fos << PPFNameTag("specONOFFRawMean") << diffMeanOnOff;
     832    //JEC 22/9/11 START
     833    TMatrix<r_4> reducedMeanDiffOnOffAll(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,nSliceFreq); //init 0 by default
     834    TMatrix<r_4> reducedSigmaDiffOnOffAll(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,nSliceFreq); //init 0 by default
     835    for (sa_size_t iSlice=0; iSlice<nSliceFreq; iSlice++){
     836      sa_size_t freqLow= iSlice*deltaFreq;
     837      sa_size_t freqHigh= freqLow + deltaFreq -1;
     838      if (debuglev_>9) {
     839        cout << "Debug .......... slicing ["<< iSlice << "]: low/high freq" << freqLow << "/" << freqHigh << endl;
     840      }
     841      for (sa_size_t iCh=0; iCh<NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ++iCh){
     842        if (debuglev_>9) {
     843          cout << "Debug .......... Channel " << iCh;
     844        }
     845        TVector<r_4> reducedRow;
     846        reducedRow = diffMeanOnOff.SubMatrix(Range(iCh),Range(freqLow,freqHigh)).CompactAllDimensions();
     847        double mean;
     848        double sigma;
     849        MeanSigma(reducedRow,mean,sigma);
     850        if (debuglev_>9) {
     851          cout << "mean/signa " << mean << "/" << sigma << endl;
     852        }
     853        reducedMeanDiffOnOffAll(iCh,iSlice) = mean;
     854        reducedSigmaDiffOnOffAll(iCh,iSlice) = sigma;
     855      }//loop on Channel
     856    }//loop on Freq. slice
     857    tag = "redMeanONOFFRawAll";
     858    fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << reducedMeanDiffOnOffAll;
     859    tag = "redSigmaONOFFRawAll";
     860    fos << PPFNameTag(tag) << reducedSigmaDiffOnOffAll;
     861    //JEC 22/9/11 END
     865    fos << PPFNameTag("specONOFFRaw2ChanMean") << meanOfChan;
     866  }//end of save fits
     868  return rc;
     869} //ProcessONOFFRawData::processCmd
     871//JEC 22/9/11 Make ON-OFF analysis WO any calibration END
     873int ProcessONOFFData::processCmd() throw(string) {
     874  int rc = 0;
     875  try {
     876    rc = ProcessBase::processCmd();
     877  }
     878  catch (string s) {
     879    throw s;
     880  }
     881   if(debuglev_>0)cout << "Process Data" << endl;
     882  vector<string> modeList;
     883  modeList.push_back("On");
     884  modeList.push_back("Off");
     885  vector<string>::const_iterator iMode;
     887  uint_4 id;
     888  string tag;
     890  //
     891  //Process to get sucessively
     892  //Raw Spectra,
     893  //BAO Calibrated Spectra
     894  //and RT Calibrated Spectra
     895  //The pocesses are separated to allow intermediate save of results
     897  map< pair<string, sa_size_t>, TMatrix<r_4> > spectreCollect;
     898  map< pair<string, sa_size_t>, TMatrix<r_4> >::iterator iSpectre, iSpectreEnd;
     900  for (iMode = modeList.begin(); iMode != modeList.end(); ++iMode) {
     901    string mode = *iMode;
     902    if(debuglev_>0)cout << "Process RAW Mode " << mode << endl;
     904    //------------------------------------------
     905    //Produce Raw spectra per cycle
     906    //------------------------------------------
     908    string directoryName;
     909    list<string> listOfSpecFiles;
     910    list<string>::const_iterator iFile, iFileEnd;
     913    //
     914    //loop on cycles
     915    //
     916    for (sa_size_t icycle = ifirstCycle_; icycle <= ilastCycle_; icycle++) {
     917      //TOBE FIXED      directoryName = "./" + sourceName_ + "/"+ dateOfRun_ + StringToLower(sourceName_) + "/" +mode + "/";
     918      directoryName = "./" + mode + "/";
     919      stringstream sicycle;
     920      sicycle << icycle;
     921      directoryName += spectraDirectory_ + sicycle.str() + "/";
     923      //read directory
     924      listOfSpecFiles = ListOfFileInDir(directoryName,typeOfFile_);
     927      //compute mean of spectra created in a cycle
     928      if(debuglev_>0)cout << "compute mean for cycle " << icycle << endl;
     929      TMatrix<r_4> spectreMean(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,NUMBER_OF_FREQ); //implicit init to 0
     930      iFileEnd = listOfSpecFiles.end();
     931      r_4 nSpectres  = 0;
     932      for (iFile = listOfSpecFiles.begin(); iFile != iFileEnd; ++iFile) {
     933        FitsInOutFile aSpectrum(*iFile,FitsInOutFile::Fits_RO);
     934        TMatrix<r_4> spectre(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,NUMBER_OF_FREQ);
     935        aSpectrum >> spectre;
     936        spectreMean += spectre;
     937        nSpectres++;
     938      }// end of for files
     939      if(nSpectres>0) spectreMean /= nSpectres;
     941      //save mean spectrum
     942      spectreCollect.insert( pair< pair<string,sa_size_t>, TMatrix<r_4> >(make_pair(mode,icycle),TMatrix<r_4>(spectreMean,false) ));
     943    }//end of for cycles
     944  }//end loop on mode for raw preocess
     946  if(debuglev_>1) {//save mean spectra on file
     947    cout << "Save mean raw spectra" << endl;
     948    string fileName;
    699949    //TOBE FIXED    fileName = "./" + sourceName_ + "/" + dateOfRun_ + "_" + StringToLower(sourceName_) + "_" + "dataRaw" + ".ppf";
    700950    fileName = "./dataRaw_" + dateOfRun_ + "_" + StringToLower(sourceName_) + ".ppf";
    734984    //Read BAO calibration files
    735985    sa_size_t nr,nc; //values read
    736 //JEC 20/9/11 use mean calibration coeff upon all cycles START
    737 //    bool first = true;
    738 //    TMatrix<r_4> calibBAOfactors;
    739 //     for (sa_size_t iCh=0;iCh<NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS;++iCh){
    740 //       string calibFileName = inputPath_+ "/"
    741 //      + sourceName_ + "/" + dateOfRun_ + StringToLower(sourceName_)
    742 //      + "/calib_" + dateOfRun_ + "_" + StringToLower(sourceName_) + "_"
    743 //      + mode + "_" + freqBAOCalibration_ + "MHz";
    744 //       stringstream channel;
    745 //       channel << iCh;
    746 //       calibFileName += "-Ch" + channel.str() + "Cycles.txt";
    747 //       if(debuglev_>0) cout << "Read file " << calibFileName << endl;
    748 //       ifstream ifs(calibFileName.c_str());
    749 //       if ( ! ifs.is_open() ) {
    750 //      rc = 999;
    751 //      throw calibFileName + " cannot be opened...";
    752 //       }     
    753 //       TVector<r_4> aCalib;
    754 //       if(debuglev_>9) cout << "Debug 1" << endl;
    755 //       aCalib.ReadASCII(ifs,nr,nc);
    756 //       if(debuglev_>9) cout << "Debug 2" << endl;
    757 //       if(first){
    758 //      first = false;
    759 //      if(debuglev_>9) cout << "Debug 3" << endl;
    760 //      calibBAOfactors.SetSize(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,nr);
    761 //      if(debuglev_>9) cout << "Debug 4" << endl;
    762 //       }
    763 //       calibBAOfactors( Range(iCh), Range::all() ) = aCalib.Transpose();
    764 //       if(debuglev_>9) cout << "Debug 5" << endl;
    765 //       ifs.close();
    766 //     }//end of loop on channels
    769987    string calibFileName = inputPath_+ "/"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.