Nov 26, 2013, 5:36:11 PM (11 years ago)

ajout de secteurs

1 edited


  • Interface_Web/trunk/pspaWT/sources/userInterface/src/GWt_sectorParameters.cc

    r431 r436  
    33#include <Wt/WPushButton>
     5#include <Wt/WGridLayout>
     6#include <Wt/WVBoxLayout>
     7#include <Wt/WHBoxLayout>
     9#include <Wt/WCssDecorationStyle>
    511#include "GWt_sectorParameters.h"
    612#include "dataManager.h"
     13#include "mixedTools.h"
     15#define BAVARD 0
    817GWt_sectorParameters::GWt_sectorParameters(dataManager* dt)
    18 string* GWt_sectorParameters::getSectorParameters()
    19 {
    20   string* param = dt_->getSectorParameters()->getParametersString();
    21   envoi_[0] = param[0].c_str();
    22   envoi_[1] = param[1].c_str();
    23   envoi_[2] = param[2].c_str();
    24   envoi_[3] = param[3].c_str();
    25   envoi_[4] = param[4].c_str();
    26   return param;
    27 }
    2927void GWt_sectorParameters::execDialog()
    31   dialog_ = new WDialog("sector parameters");
    32   string* param = getSectorParameters();
    34   new WText("geometry : ",dialog_->contents());
    35   geometry_ = new WLineEdit(param[1].c_str(),dialog_->contents());
    36   geometry_->disable();
    37   new WBreak(dialog_->contents());
    38   new WText("Enter number of cells : ",dialog_->contents());
    39   nCells_ = new WLineEdit(param[2].c_str(),dialog_->contents());
    40   new WBreak(dialog_->contents());
    41   new WText("Enter cell length (m): ",dialog_->contents());
    42   lCell_ = new WLineEdit(param[3].c_str(),dialog_->contents());
    43   new WBreak(dialog_->contents());
    44   new WText("Enter particle momentum (GeV/c) : ",dialog_->contents());
    45   pc_ = new WLineEdit(param[4].c_str(),dialog_->contents());
    46   new WBreak(dialog_->contents());
    48   WPushButton *ok =  new WPushButton("Ok", dialog_->contents());
     29#if BAVARD > 0
     30  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     31  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::execDialog() " << endl << endl;
     34  dialog_ = new WDialog("sectors into beam line");
     35  dialog_->contents()->setMinimumSize(800,WLength::Auto);
     37  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(new WText("geometry : "));
     38  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(new WLineEdit("CIRCULAR"));
     39  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(new WBreak());
     40  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(new WBreak());
     42  gb_ = new WGroupBox("sectors",dialog_->contents());
     43  createSector();
     45  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(new WBreak());
     47  WContainerWidget *wb = new WContainerWidget();
     48  wb->setStyleClass("buttons");
     49  WPushButton *ok = new WPushButton("Ok",wb);
     50  ok->decorationStyle().setBackgroundColor(WColor("#87CEFA"));
    4951  ok->clicked().connect(dialog_, &WDialog::accept);
    50   WPushButton *no = new WPushButton("Cancel", dialog_->contents());
     52  WPushButton *no = new WPushButton("Cancel",wb);
    5153  no->clicked().connect(dialog_, &WDialog::reject);
     54  dialog_->contents()->addWidget(wb);
    5356  dialog_->finished().connect(this,&GWt_sectorParameters::dialogDone);
     60void GWt_sectorParameters::createSector()
     62#if BAVARD > 0
     63  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     64  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::createSector() " << endl << endl;
     67  WHBoxLayout* hbox= new WHBoxLayout();
     68  hbox->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
     70  vector<statements> v = dt_->getSectorParameters()->getSectors();
     72  hbox->addWidget(new WText("name&nbsp;:&nbsp;"));
     73  sLabel_= new WLineEdit(v.at(0).first);
     74  hbox->addWidget(sLabel_);
     75  hbox->addWidget(new WText("from&nbsp;:&nbsp;"));
     76  firstElement_ = new WLineEdit(v.at(0).second.at(0));
     77  hbox->addWidget(firstElement_);
     78  hbox->addWidget(new WText("to&nbsp;:&nbsp;"));
     79  lastElement_ = new WLineEdit(v.at(0).second.at(1));
     80  hbox->addWidget(lastElement_);
     81  hbox->addWidget(new WText("reflection&nbsp;:&nbsp;"));
     82  reflection_ = new WCheckBox();
     83  reflection_->setChecked(false); // default: Unchecked
     84  if(v.at(0).second.at(2) == "Checked") reflection_->setChecked(true);
     85  hbox->addWidget(reflection_);
     86  hbox->addWidget(new WText("repeat&nbsp;:&nbsp;"));
     87  repeat_ = new WLineEdit(v.at(0).second.at(3));
     88  repeat_->setTextSize(2);
     89  hbox->addWidget(repeat_);
     91  WContainerWidget* bs= buttons(cnt_.size());
     92  hbox->addWidget(bs);
     94  WContainerWidget *w1 = new WContainerWidget();
     95  w1->setLayout(hbox);
     97  WVBoxLayout* vbox= new WVBoxLayout();
     98  vbox->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
     99  vbox->addWidget(w1);
     100  vbox->addStretch(10);
     102  WContainerWidget *w2 = new WContainerWidget();
     103  w2->setLayout(vbox);
     105  WGridLayout *grid = new WGridLayout();
     106  grid->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
     107  grid->addWidget(w2,0,0);
     108  grid->setColumnStretch(0,1);
     110  WContainerWidget *w3 = new WContainerWidget();
     111  std::stringstream st;
     112  st << cnt_.size();
     113  w3->setObjectName(st.str());
     114  cnt_.push_back(w3);
     116  w3->setLayout(grid);
     117  gb_->addWidget(w3);
     120WContainerWidget* GWt_sectorParameters::buttons(int num)
     122#if BAVARD > 0
     123  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     124  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::buttons()" << endl << endl;
     127  WHBoxLayout* hbox = new WHBoxLayout();
     128  hbox->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
     130  WPushButton* add = new WPushButton("+");
     131  add->clicked().connect(this,&GWt_sectorParameters::add);
     132  add->setStyleClass("roundButton");
     133  add->setMaximumSize(20,20);
     134  add->setToolTip("Add new section");
     135  hbox->addWidget(add);
     137  WPushButton* cancel = new WPushButton("-");
     138  cancel->clicked().connect(boost::bind(&GWt_sectorParameters::cancel,this,num));
     139  cancel->setStyleClass("roundButton");
     140  cancel->setMaximumSize(20,20);
     141  cancel->setToolTip("Remove this section");
     142  hbox->addWidget(cancel);
     144  WContainerWidget* wb= new WContainerWidget();
     145  wb->setLayout(hbox);
     146  return wb;
    57149void GWt_sectorParameters::dialogDone(WDialog::DialogCode code)
     151#if BAVARD > 0
     152  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     153  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::dialogDone() " << endl << endl;
    59156  if (code == WDialog::Accepted) {
    60     update();
    61     setStatus();
     157    setStatus("OK...");
     158    setAttributes();
     159    dt_->getSectorParameters()->setSectors(sectors_);
     160  } else {
     161    setStatus("Cancelled!");
     162    //cnt_.clear();
    62163  }
    63   return;
    64 }
    66 void GWt_sectorParameters::update()
    67 {
    68   envoi_[0] = string("4");
    69   envoi_[1] = geometry_->text().toUTF8();
    70   envoi_[2] = nCells_->text().toUTF8();
    71   envoi_[3] = lCell_->text().toUTF8();
    72   envoi_[4] = pc_->text().toUTF8();
    73   dt_->getSectorParameters()->setParametersString(envoi_);
    74 }
    76 void GWt_sectorParameters::renew()
    77 {
    78   string* param = getSectorParameters();
    79   setStatus();
    80   geometry_ = new WLineEdit(param[1].c_str());
    81   nCells_ = new WLineEdit(param[2].c_str());
    82   lCell_ = new WLineEdit(param[3].c_str());
    83   pc_ = new WLineEdit(param[4].c_str());
    84 }
    86 void GWt_sectorParameters::setStatus()
    87 {
    88   WString out= WString("<p>geometry = "+envoi_[1]+"</p>"
    89                        "<p>number of cells = "+envoi_[2]+"</p>"
    90                        "<p>cell length = "+envoi_[3]+"</p>"
    91                        "<p>particle momentum = "+envoi_[4]+"</p>");
    92   status_->setText(out);
    93 }
     165#if BAVARD > 0
     166  cout << "dialogDone():: sectors_.size()= " << sectors_.size() << endl;
     167  for(int i = 0; i < sectors_.size(); i++) {
     168    cout << "name= " << sectors_.at(i).first << ", de " << sectors_.at(i).second.at(0) << ", à " << sectors_.at(i).second.at(1) << ", reflection = " << sectors_.at(i).second.at(2) << ", repeat= " << sectors_.at(i).second.at(3) << endl << endl;
     169  }
     172  cnt_.clear();
     175void GWt_sectorParameters::add()
     177#if BAVARD > 0
     178  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     179  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::add() " << endl << endl;
     182  setStatus("add sector");
     183  setAttributes();
     184  createSector();
     187void GWt_sectorParameters::cancel(int num)
     189#if BAVARD > 0
     190  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     191  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::cancel() " << endl << endl;
     194  setStatus("delete sector");
     195  std::stringstream st;
     196  st << num;
     197  std::string ref = st.str();
     199  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < cnt_.size(); k++) {
     200    cout << "sectors[" << k << "]= " << cnt_[k]->objectName();
     201    if(cnt_[k]->objectName() == st.str()) {
     202      cout << " : cancelled" << endl;
     203      gb_->removeWidget(cnt_[k]);
     204      delete cnt_[k];
     205      cnt_.erase(cnt_.begin()+k);
     206    } else {
     207      cout << " : kept" << endl;
     208    }
     209  }
     212void GWt_sectorParameters::setAttributes()
     214#if BAVARD > 0
     215  cout << "***********************************" << endl;
     216  cout << " GWt_sectorParameters::setAttributes() " << endl << endl;
     219  string txt = "";
     220  txt = sLabel_->text().toUTF8(); 
     221  sectors_.push_back(statements(txt,vector<string>()));
     222  txt = firstElement_->text().toUTF8();
     223  sectors_.back().second.push_back(txt);
     224  txt = lastElement_->text().toUTF8();
     225  sectors_.back().second.push_back(txt);
     226  // checkState() retourne : Unchecked = 0,
     227  //                         PartiallyChecked = 1,
     228  //                         Checked = 2
     229  txt = "Unchecked";
     230  if(reflection_->checkState() > 0) txt = "Checked";
     231  sectors_.back().second.push_back(txt);
     232  txt = repeat_->text().toUTF8();
     233  sectors_.back().second.push_back(txt);
     236void GWt_sectorParameters::setStatus(const WString& str)
     238  status_->setText(str);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.