Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#96 new defect

(SPAM**) We selling all meds. No prescription required 0tf

Reported by: "Percy Craig" <percy.craigzk@…> Owned by: devdu@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Non Spécifié Version: dev
Keywords: Cc:


Dear  customer

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and
adds excitement.
Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. 
In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. 
This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, 
but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.

    * Learn more about Viagra
    * Order Viagra
Cialis! When you need it later
If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.
Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work 
in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don’t have to hurry if you don’t want
 to and you don’t have to schedule your love making. 
You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that’s right for you,
 whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.

Jennifer Cassidy wrote:
> Hello. ur new offshore harmacy is open.Low prices for all meds.

Attachments (1)

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Change History (2)

Changed 16 years ago by Percy Craig

Attachment: SpamAssassinReport.txt added

Added by email2trac

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Percy Craig

id: 96

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