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Geant4 9.1
   released 19 September 2008 (patch-03)

The Geant4 source code is freely available. See the licence conditions.

Please read the Release Notes before downloading or using this release.
The patches below contains bug fixes to release 9.1, we suggest you to download and apply the latest patch for release 9.1 (see the additional notes for patch-01, patch-02 and patch-03), or download the complete source with the patches applied; in any case, it is required to apply a full rebuild of the libraries.

Source files (including patch-03)

Please choose the archive best suited to your system and archiving tool:

GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip ( 17Mbytes, 17582985 bytes ).
After downloading, gunzip, then unpack using GNU tar.
ZIP format ( 27Mbytes, 28073235 bytes ).
After downloading, unpack using e.g. WinZip.

Data files (*)

For specific, optional physics processes some of the following files are required. The file format is compatible with Unix, GNU, and Windows utilities.

Neutron data files with thermal cross sections - version 3.12 ( 52Mbytes, 54904967 bytes )
Neutron data files without thermal cross sections - version 0.2 ( 12Mbytes, 12465281 bytes )
Data files for low energy electromagnetic processes - version 5.1 ( 7.9Mbytes, 8287134 bytes )
Data files for photon evaporation - version 2.0 ( 7.2Mbytes, 7506068 bytes )
Data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes - version 3.2 ( 743Kbytes, 761070 bytes )
Data files for nuclear shell effects in INCL/ABLA hadronic model - version 3.0 ( 54Kbytes, 54909 bytes )

Pre-compiled Libraries

These are compiled with Geant4 default settings and optimization turned on. Please choose according to your system/compiler:

compiled using gcc 3.4.6 on Scientific Linux CERN 4 (SLC4, based on Redhat Linux Enterprise 4) - ( 14Mbytes, 14713828 bytes )
compiled using gcc 4.0.1 on Mac (MacOSX 10.5) - ( 23Mbytes, 24434675 bytes )
compiled using VC++ 8.0 on Windows/XP - ( 53Mbytes, 55595518 bytes )

These libraries were built using CLHEP version Please refer to the Release Notes for platform specific notes on CLHEP.

Patches for the above release of GEANT4

To install the patch, the archive should be unpacked in the Geant4 installation area where the directory geant4.9.1 is placed, and kernel libraries must be recompiled from scratch.
For instructions on how to unpack, see the notes above for the original source code.

  • Patch-03 (19 September 2008) for Geant4.9.1 contains a collection of various corrections (including patch-01 and patch-02), see the description before downloading the patch itself in the correct format:
    GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip ( 1.8Mbytes, 1904737 bytes ).
    ZIP format ( 2.3Mbytes, 2386463 bytes ).
  • Patch-02 (9 May 2008) for Geant4.9.1 contains a collection of various corrections (including patch-01), see the description before downloading the patch itself in the correct format:
    GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip ( 1.6Mbytes, 1674385 bytes ).
    ZIP format ( 2.0Mbytes, 2091433 bytes ).
  • Patch-01 (5 February 2008) for Geant4.9.1 contains a collection of various corrections, see the description before downloading the patch itself in the correct format:
    GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip ( 842Kbytes, 861951 bytes ).
    ZIP format ( 1.0Mbytes, 1018987 bytes ).

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Last updated: 09/19/2008