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Beta Development Source Code Download

Geant4 9.2-beta
   released 4 July 2008

The Geant4 development source code is freely available. See the licence conditions.

Feedback for any problem found is welcome via the usual support channels.

Since this is beta software, please consider that:

  • It is distributed "as is", and full support cannot be provided
  • Some code may be new or enhanced, therefore still experimental and not fully tested
  • Interfaces may have changed since the previous version and may change further in the final release; detailed notes on changes are available in the directory ReleaseNotes/development provided with the source code distribution
  • User documentation and manuals are not updated (will be updated only for the official release)
  • Only source code and no pre-built libraries are provided

Please read the Notes before downloading or using this code.

Source files

Please choose the archive best suited to your system and archiving tool:

GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip ( 17Mbytes, 18130143 bytes ).
After downloading, gunzip, then unpack using GNU tar.
ZIP format ( 27Mbytes, 28712143 bytes ).
After downloading, unpack using e.g. WinZip.

Data files (*)

For specific, optional physics processes some of the following files are required. The file format is compatible with Unix, GNU, and Windows utilities.

Neutron data files with thermal cross sections - version 3.12 ( 52Mbytes, 54904967 bytes )
Neutron data files without thermal cross sections - version 0.2 ( 12Mbytes, 12465281 bytes )
Data files for low energy electromagnetic processes - version 6.1 ( 8.0Mbytes, 8378178 bytes )
Data files for photon evaporation - version 2.0 ( 7.2Mbytes, 7506068 bytes )
Data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes - version 3.2 ( 743Kbytes, 761070 bytes )
Data files for nuclear shell effects in INCL/ABLA hadronic model - version 3.0 ( 54Kbytes, 54909 bytes )

NOTE: This development release requires CLHEP version
Please refer to the Notes also for information on the supported platforms.

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Last updated: 07/04/2008