
Release note for version 1.0.6


The processus for do_dump = 1 has been recoded. at each time step a dump of the beam is achieved:

if dump_step = n and dump_particle = p the beams are dumped, every n-th step (one step consists of the advance of one inter-slice distance, along the z axis); in each slice : one particle every p : files named b1.1, b2.1,b1.2, b2.2,b1.3, b2.3 etc. The photons are dumped in the files named bp1.1, bp2.1,bp1.2, bp2.2,bp1.3, bp2.3 etc. in the same proportion : one dump every n-th step ; in each slice : one photon every p.

The format of the dumped files is the same as beam.dat and photon.dat.

initial polarization

In the previous version, the initial polarization vector (in case of : bmt_precession=1) is : px=0, py=0, pz=1 for all particles. New data have been introduced :

polar_x= ?
polar_y= ?
polar_z =?

to be given by the user in the file acc.dat (in $ACCELERATOR:: data).

In case of bmt_precession=0 ($PARAMETER) the presence or absence of polar_x, polar_y, polar_z does not have any consequence.

When bmt_precession=1 an initial polarization vector is generated for each particle : (polar_x, polar_y, polar_z), which does not need to be normed, if it represents a mixed state.

The default value for (polar_x, polar_y, polar_z) is (0,0,1)

with load_beam=1 the polarization can be read on the files electron.ini and positron.ini as three last values on each line (i.e. with the same format as in beam.dat files (this makes sense uniquely if bmt_precession=1). No initial polarization vector is taken into account.

modification of criterium for automatic grid sizing


n_x and n_y will be generated in order to be close to : 8*cut_x(y)/sigma_x(y) [instead of 4*cut_x(y)/sigma_x(y)] (for a better statistics for the file

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Dec 1, 2008, 4:09:14 PM