
Version 8 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Michel Jouvin/emailAddress=jouvin@…, 10 years ago) (diff)




fuse: file system in user space utilities are required


The repositories to be used can be defined with the following variable, but mind the dependencies:

variable CVMFS_REPOSITORIES ?= list(

Cache Location

In case there is a need to relocate the local cache, e.g.:

variable CVMFS_CACHE_BASE ?= '/var/scratch/cvmfs';

Cache Quota

The client cache is limited to less than 4GB by default. This can be customized, e.g.:

variable CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT ?= 10000;

Local Proxies

The use of a local proxy is highly recommended. This variable is undefined by default and must be configured according to your location, e.g.:

variable CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY ?= 'http://SQUID_FQDN_01:3128;http://SQUID_FQDN_02:3128';

Stratum 1 Mirror Servers

Stratum 1 mirror servers should be sorted according to your location, this can be done by defining the variable:

variable CVMFS_SERVER_URL_CERN ?= nlist(
    'URL-01-CERN', '',
    'URL-02-UK', '',
    'URL-03-BNL', '',
    'URL-04-FNAL', '',


The configuration is done by:

include {'features/cvmfs/config'};

All the above variables can be safely configured site or cluster wide, they will only be taken into account by object profiles with:

variable CVMFS_CLIENT_ENABLED ?= true;

WARNING, if not using the standard Quattor NFS configuration, the CernVM-FS automount map (/etc/auto.cvmfs) must be added to /etc/auto.master by other means.

VO specificities

WARNING, carelessly redirecting a VO's software area towards CernVM-FS will cause all software installation jobs to fail, therefore the VO should be aware of the change.


No special requirements, deployment is being tracked here.


Follow these instructions

The required ATLAS_LOCAL_AREA environment variable can defined using:

variable VO_ATLAS_LOCAL_AREA ?= '/path/to/shared/ATLAS/area';
  • CMS

Follow these instructions

The CMS_LOCAL_SITE can be configured using:

variable VO_CMS_LOCAL_SITE ?= '<CMS shared FS>/SITECONF/local';
  • LHCb

Let the VO know about the change through a GGUS ticket.

Redirect the software area (VO_LHCB_SW_DIR) to /cvmfs/