
Version 2 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Christian Arnault/emailAddress=arnault@…, 19 years ago) (diff)


Meeting Coordination board
Date February 22, 2006
Time 11:00 – 17:00
Location DESY, Seminar Room 7b, Building 7
Chair D. Trines
Members M. Dykes, K. Ebbinghaus, W. Peiniger, P. van Otterloo, D. Wilcox , C. Arnault
Substitutes P. McIntosh
Staff T. Prüstel, K. Wurr

Documents & Appendices


  • XFEL Workshop, Hamburg, 9./10. May
  • EPAC 06, Edinburgh, 26.-30. June
  • Membership (no. of members, "advertising efforts"...)
  • Drafts of EIFast flyer and presentation
  • Funding (resumee of discussion 20.12.05 and news)
  • EIFast schedule 2006 (incl. next Plenary meeting)
  • Distribution of work
