
Version 43 (modified by /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=CLRC/L=RAL/CN=dimitrios zilaskos, 10 years ago) (diff)


Where to Get QWG Templates ?

QWG Templates is the former name for what is now called the template library. The documentation has not been fully updated with the new names and you should consider both to be equivalent.

Template Library Sources

As every Quattor component, the template library sources are maintained on GitHub. The template library is made of several repositories whose name starts with template-library-.


You can clone each repository individually. You normally do that only if you want to contribute to the templates. If you just want to use them, a simpler approach is:

  • Clone the SCDB repository located on GitHub (git clone
  • Move into the top directory in the clone
  • Execute utils/scdb/ (use --help for more informations about possible options but it should be fine to run it without any options)

If you are using SCDB, you may want to look at directories cfg/sites and cfg/clusters as a starting point for creating a new site.

RPMs required by Templates

In addition to the templates, you also need to mirror the YUM repositories used by the template library. You can find in the example part of the template library (from GitHub repository template-library-examples or from directory cfg/sites/examples/repository created by previous step) URLs of YUM repositories that you can use as upstream repositories to start.


Look at page on QWG templates installation.