
Version 19 (modified by /C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Michel Jouvin/emailAddress=jouvin@…, 17 years ago) (diff)


Release Notes for SCDB

SCDB is a set of related tools to administer Quattor templates. This page describes new features introduced, known problems and displays last entries from Subversion log.


The production version of SCDB Tools is can be downloaded from

Date Version Description
27/03/07 2.0.0 panc v7 as default compiler
20/04/07 2.1.0 SVNKit upgrade (SVN 1.4 compatible)
04/05/07 2.1.1 panc v7.2.0
21/05/07 2.1.2 New tag format, support for repository/ namespace
19/06/07 2.1.3 panc 7.2.3, support for compilation of one cluster, bug fixes

New and Changed Features

2.1.3 : Several message changes

To enhance usefulness of messages displayed by SCDB Ant Tools, several messages have been changed. It can be an issue if you have some local tools doing pattern matching on these messages. This affects only messages produced by SCDB Ant Tools, not by PAN compiler.

Main changes are :

  • Line indicating a modified file during deploy : now both local and remote changes are checked at the same time and the report includes if the changes are local and/or remote.
  • If deploy fails, the last message is deploy aborted instead of tag aborted
  • The cluster name being compiled used to be the cluster path and the useful part was at the end of the line. Now the message has the cluster name first and the path to the cluster template after.

2.1.3 : Compiling only 1 cluster

With SCDB Tools 2.1.3, it is possible to compile only one cluster by adding the following option to ant command :

name_of_cluster is the name of the directory under cfg/clusters.

Note : this option is forbidden during deploy.

2.1.2 : Support for repository/ namespace

With SCDB Tools 2.1.2, the default with update.rep.templates is to generate a template name that uses agreed repository namespace 'repository/). The namespace is prefixed to the template name as specified in the name= parameter in header comments. This is a change compared to behaviour in previous versions, where prefix repository_ was added in front of the template name.

To ease the transition to namespace, new version of SCDB tools preserve the name of an existing template, as defined in structure template line. Thus to produce a non namespaced repository template, just add the structure template line with the appropriate name or modify the line created by update.rep.templates. This will be preserved during future changes.

2.1.2 : New tag format requires a hook script upgrade

If you want to use the new hierarchichal tag format (e.g. yyyy/MM/ introduced with SCDB 2.1.2, you need to update Subversion repository hook script and Quattor server script. Refer to SCDB installation instructions to know how to update them. In particular, take care to merge your site customizations into the hook script, as this script doesn't yet support an external configuration file.

2.1.0 : Subversion 1.4 requires a new httpd version (SL3)

If you choose to upgrade your Subversion client to 1.4 or later to be consistent with new SVNKit version, on SL3.x machines, you need to install a new version of httpd 2.0.46. You can found the new RPM at URL

On SL4.x machines, the standard httpd version works properly with new Subversion client.

2.1.0 : SVNKit upgrade

SVNKit (former JavaSVN) has been upgraded to 1.1.2. This release is compatible with Subversion 1.4 client.

Before upgrading, you need to be aware that SVN 1.4 introduces a change in working area metadata format. As a consequence you cannot access/manage a working area with both a SVN 1.4 client and a previous version. There is no restriction in client/server versions combinations.

This may have a consequence on SCDB, depending on the client you use to do the SVN operations. This is because ant deploy task uses SVNKit and thus require a 1.4 working area metadata format. To solve any potention problems you need to upgrade the SVN client on the machine you use to administer SCDB (where you run ant) to version 1.4 or later.

As an alternative, you can use jsvn command provided with SVNKit instead of svn. The syntax is the same, refert to svn help for the command documentation. To use jsvn provided with SCDB tools, enter the following command :


2.0.0 : default compiler changed to panc v7

panc v7 (Java version of panc) is now the default compiler. Old compiler can still be used if necessary appending .c to ant task names, except for deploy.

Be sure to read instructions about running PAN compiler if you experiment any strange behaviour or slowness with the new compiler.

2.0.0 : configuration file for is the script used to deploy configuration. It runs on the Quattor server. Version provided with 2.0.0 supports local customization through file /etc/

Use of new version supposes that you manually replace your existing script on the server with the new one provided in this release

Known Problems

In addition to known problems documented here, look at SCDB FAQ.

2.1.2 : update.rep.templates possible issue with empty repositories

SCDB tools v2 including 2.1.2 has a possible issue with empty repositories (#63). This happens if you removed from the associated template everything except comment header and structure template line. In this case, the template is not updated and the propeprty name is missing. This leads to an error in SPMA functions.

The easiest workaround is to also suppress the structure template line and update template name if the template is not namespaced.

This should be fixed in 2.1.3.

2.0.0 : issue with accentuated characters

The new PAN compiler (v7) encodes non ASCII characters in UTF-8. Unfortunatly, NCM components (particularly ncm-filecopy, and CCM are not prepared to handle properly UTF-8 encoded characters. The workaround is to remove these non ASCII characters from the templates (they are generally comments).

This will be fixed in a future release (#17).

Change Log

Changelog not available